Formeta 3D: Posthuman Participant Historian (2016)

article⁄Formeta 3D: Posthuman Participant Historian (2016)
abstract⁄Formeta3D is a project that engages the posthuman through the development of a machine that translates inputs from its surroundings into physical form in realtime. By responding to interaction with the inhabitants of its environs and incorporating the detected activity in the inflections of the produced form, it has an impact on the activity in the space, resulting in a recursive feedback loop that incorporates the digital, the physical, and the experiential. This paper presents the development of this project in detail, providing a methodology and toolchain for implementing realtime interaction with additive physical form derived from digital inputs and examining the results of an interactive installation set up to test the implementation.
keywords⁄tool streamsdigital fabricationhuman-computer interactionsensate systems2016
Year 2016
Authors Eisinger, Daniel; Putt, Steven.
Issue ACADIA 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines
Pages 394-401
Library link N/A
Entry filename formeta-3d-posthuman-participant-historian