Embedded Sensing and Control (2020)

article⁄Embedded Sensing and Control (2020)
abstract⁄This paper investigates an interactive and adaptive control system for kinetic architectural applications with a distributed sensing and actuation network to control modular fiberreinforced composite components. The aim of the project was to control the actuation of a foldable lightweight structure to generate programmatic changes. A server parses input commands and geometric feedback from embedded sensors and online data to drive physical actuation and generate a digital twin for realtime monitoring. Physical components are origamilike folding plates of glass and carbonfiberreinforced plastic, developed in parallel research. Accelerometer data is analyzed to determine component geometry. A component controller drives actuators to maintain or move towards desired positions. Touch sensors embedded within the material allow direct control, and an online user interface provides highlevel kinematic goals to the system. A hierarchical control system parses various inputs and determines actuation based on safety protocols and prioritization algorithms. Development includes hardware and software to enable modular expansion. This research demonstrates strategies for embedded networks in interactive kinematic structures and opens the door for deeper investigations such as artificial intelligence in control algorithms, material computation, as well as realtime modeling and simulation of structural systems.
Year 2020
Authors Bucklin, Oliver; Born, Larissa; Korner, Axel; Suzuki, Seiichi; Vasey, Lauren; T. Gresser, Gotz; Knippers, Jan; Menges, Achim.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers
Pages 74-83.
Library link N/A
Entry filename embedded-sensing-control