Designer-Client Collaboration in Architectural and Software Design (1995)

article⁄Designer-Client Collaboration in Architectural and Software Design (1995)
abstract⁄An upperlevel undergraduate architectural design studio and a graduate computer science CAD course were paired to study clientdesigner interactions. The dual nature of these courses led to two sets of products building designs compatible with the specifications of the clients, and prototype CAD tool to assist architects in the conceptual design phases. First, the computer scientists acted as clients to the architects, who designed a building for the computer science department. Once the computer science students had become familiar, through observation, with the architectural design process, they began developing tools for the architects’ use. In that reversedrole, the architects became the clients of the computer scientists. For both parties this interaction provided an opportunity to experience the social aspects of the design process, in particular, the designerclient relationships, which most often are absent in traditional educational settings. This paper describes the objectives of this integrated pair of courses, the methods and processes used, and some of the results.
keywords⁄designdesign processdesign studiodesign educationarchitectural designcad1995
Year 1995
Authors Kalay, Yehuda; Sequin, Carlo.
Issue Computing in Design - Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas
Pages 383-403
Library link ACADIA, 1995. bib⁄Computing in Design: Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas. ACADIA.
Entry filename designer-client-collaboration-architectural-software-design