Automated Classification of CAAD-related Publications: Conditions for Setting-Up a Keywording System (2003)

article⁄Automated Classification of CAAD-related Publications: Conditions for Setting-Up a Keywording System (2003)
abstract⁄This paper deals with the CUMINCADrepository Cumulative Index on CAD, which was set up in 1998 and has served the CAADcommunity since then as an important source of archived domain related information. CUMINCAD contains over 5,000 entries in the form of publications in the field of Computer Aided Architectural Design. The number has been growing steadily over the years. To date only advanced search mechanisms have been provided to access these works. This may work out well for a justintime location of a reference, but is inadequate for just in case browsing through the history of CAAD. For such applications, a hierarchical browsing interface, like one in Yahoo or DMOZ.org is envisioned. This paper describes how the keyword categories were defined and how a moderate, distributed effort in defining the categories will allow machineidentified classification of the entire data set. The aim of the paper is to contribute to building up a wide spread consensus on what the appropriate keyword categories in CAAD are, and what subtopics should sit below the main keyword categories.
keywords⁄web-based bibliographic databasesearchable indexcaad researchclassification2003
Year 2003
Authors Martens, Bob; Brown, A.; Turk, Ziga.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 365-371
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename automated-classification-caad-related-publications