Abstraction and Representation: Computer Graphics and Architectural Design (1988)

article⁄Abstraction and Representation: Computer Graphics and Architectural Design (1988)
abstract⁄While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nature, there remains a long history of design exploration dependent on representation. Furthermore, methods of imagerOoOOoO3While there is evidence to support that many important aspects of architectural design are not graphically based, but analytical in nat
Year 1988
Authors Goldman, Glenn; Zdepski, Stephen.
Issue Computing in Design Education
Pages 205-215
Library link Pamela J. Bancroft, 1988. bib⁄Computing In Design Education. ACADIA.
Entry filename abstraction-representation