Closing the window to open the door

reflection⁄Closing the window to open the door
has shards⁄

The reflection has two parts. Closing the window is a critique of the neoliberal demands for transparency and openness. Rather, certain ways of being accessible, of being read must to refused. With possible reference to Eduard Glissant’s Right to Opactiy.

In order for closing the window, enforcing some boundaries not to become a reactionary stance, there is a need to think about what one wants to open up towards. Hence, the opening the door.

I want to think about an opening in two directions: towards /abundance, which implies things and objects beyond the commodity from, that become more valuable in a social sense through use and re-use. We all know, degrowth is coming. Question is: can it be avoided to become civil war. This makes thinking about abundance urgent.

The second direction I want to open the door towards is the shard⁄duree, the long-term. On an infrastructural level, this means /permacomputing and question of autonomy. On a cultural level, it means providing a framework that allows for both readability in the long-term and for unknown future adaptations. Here there is a possible reference to Achille Mbembe’s Earthly Community, in which he writes:

The Earth can attain unlimited duration, but only if it is capable of fecundity and regeneration. In the absence of this capacity for periodic (re-)begetting, it amounts to no more than the darkened mask of a vast house of the dead.“ (p.9)