A Material Basis for Digital Archives

reflection⁄A Material Basis for Digital Archives
  1. Why preserve the archive? (exuberance, potentialities, political imaginary, etc)
    1. Not just the ecological problem, but the cultural problem.
    2. Not less, more of the right thing. (Keito Saito)
    3. A grey world of rented space and rented rooms, interpellated by capital.
    4. Alienation as the inability to write information.
    5. Preservation of difference, diversity, ambiguity, etc.
    6. Bataille, The Accursed Share
  2. The digital medium of archiving (difference, context, information)
    1. Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication
    2. Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind
  3. The problem of maintaining the medium
    1. Vernacular infrastructure
    2. Requirements of audiovisual media as a constraint worth keeping
    3. Steal This Book, Abbie Hoffman
    4. Tools for Conviviality, Ivan Illich
  4. Problems with existing digital infrastructure
    1. Complexity which leads to bureaucracy due to the exception outside of the system
    2. Lock-in: dependency on existing systems
    3. Two watershed moments
    4. Enshittification: locked into the attention economy.
    5. Search of mixed-media
  5. New directions in digital infrastructure
    1. Infinite use of finite means
    2. Programming system as material (convivial forms), instead of tool with a function.
    3. Autoprogettazione, Enzo Mari
    4. The aesthetic of compression, simple tools which produce complex artifacts.
    5. Permacomputing, sustainability through simplicity
      1. www⁄http://viznut.fi/files/texts-en/permacomputing.html
    6. Damaged Earth Catalog
      1. www⁄https://damaged.bleu255.com
    7. AI: embeddings, in counterpoint to generated data.