The Art of Living at the End

reflection⁄The Art of Living at the End

How not to become shard⁄existentially paralysed when faced with catastrophic shard⁄crises of such a scale as climate catastrophe and mass extinction intertwined as they are with a system of such flexibility and domination as capitalism? Thinking about such future 25 years down the line, we are stuck in the shard⁄gap.

How to live and act in the shard⁄long extinction is to be able to carve the space for doing work in and on the shard⁄imaginary. The imaginary of the world that is not linear, deterministic and unavoidable. The role of shard⁄imagination here /to add/. Multiple threads of possibility, some realised in the past - some ongoing, some private - some public, some local and atomistic - some large-scale.

How to do such work? Where are the sites of such work? This is supported by the project of the shard⁄library, which is shard⁄a process, not a place, supported with the

shard⁄The role of tools in relational practices in shard⁄custodianship.