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Introduction to Sandpoints

This is experimental publishing platform Sandpoints.

Sandpoints' structure

As already demonstrated Sandpoints is developed and accessible as a web site. On top of that, Sandpoints, at any given moment, allows for printing all of its content into a well designed PDF publication. The PDF publication prints out Table of Contents with precise pagination numbers for every section and subsection.

That’s one of the reasons why Sandpoints introduces triadic tiers structure for its content. The header of this page, once rendered against Sandpoints theme, says:


This is not a ship.


Triadic tiers: [ship::deck::cabin]

This is not a ship. Ship has decks. Decks has cabins. This is a poetic way to introduce one of the ways to develop Sandpoints. You launch Sandpoints ship. Your ship has decks. Decks has cabins. The Table of Contents in Sandpoints' PDF will always know what’s the page number of any of your decks or cabins.


Sandpoints accepts www⁄Markdown. A plain text formatting syntax created by Aaron Swartz and John Gruber in 2004. It was designed with an idea that formatting could stay plain text, human readable, but with enough of intented instructions and structure from the author that any post-processing tools of interpratation can make it look good.

Let me quote the authors:

Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).

And emphasize, pun intended, that simple rules allow for making text italic or lists with its points:

As one can see it already looks well structured but after I submit it in a second this text will get a look and feel of a Sandpoints default theme. Let’s see!