Barbarian library is an oxymoron. Barbarians are not supposed to have libraries or care about archiving. Barbarians are wild; they are on the go; they travel light. But the barbarian of today does not want more, she seeks to get more of what she wants. Barbarian wants shard⁄abundance and she understands that making structures to produce such abundance is her own responsibility.
Barbarian librarian is an shard⁄existentialist. Her project solves a personal problem, even when it is collective. The problem of the barbarian is reflection⁄the art of living in multiple catastrophes. Such catastrophes might be of climate and extinction, but also of shard⁄repressive apparatuses of nationalisms and nation-states, capitalism, regimes of intellectual property and educational systems. The problem of the barbarian is how to open and how to close, where to widen and where to constrict (see: shard⁄Underground). Barbarian is preoccupied with constraint and modularity, with scanning and mirroring, with finding others to make networks in space and time (see: shard⁄Networked Space and Time, ⦚shard:interdpendentarchives.mdnot found, shard⁄The Role of Tools in Relational Practices).
Barbarian is no purist. She is a parasite. Barbarian mixes points of entry and use of systems, whether these are logins, software, servers, relations, moneys, countries. As the barbarian is an outsider, she always sees the deficit. Breaking the rules produces new practices, rules and institutions. Such institutions and rules are fragile, even if long-lasting. They are both never-ending and on their way to stopping (see: shard⁄The Audible Mirror: A New Perspective in Media Theory, shard⁄The Audible Mirror: A Reflection on Political Expression and Engagement, shard⁄The Audible Mirror: Theological Reflections on Voice, Authenticity, and Self-Understanding).
Barbarian is a foreigner. She is in and out of context; she emerges with the change of context; she is politics. Barbarian has a problem with the imaginary, both within herself and in the outside (see: shard⁄The Imaginary). She does her utmost to intervene in the imaginary. It is very hard. She is a hard worker, even if lazy (see: shard⁄Slow & Lazy).
Is barbarian digital or analogue? This is a non-sensical question (see: shard⁄Sense and Countersense).
Ubuweb is a barbarian, the most refined thing ever.