curriculum⁄Race Critical Theories

Race Critical Theories, a curriculum

Here I will make stupid DOTs. . .

some alt text

Here we want to describe what the project is about… Also we want to link to annex⁄first annex or syllabus⁄first syllabus

first §⁄footnote in first gloss
second line in first §⁄gloss

what the fuck!

and what about this. and more text. seriously… second

first line second gloss
second line second gloss
second line second gloss
first line in third gloss
second line in third gloss

  1. let’s do some footnotes1. ↩︎

  2. second footnote2. ↩︎

topic⁄First Topic in Curriculum
abstract⁄Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.

First Topic in Curriculum

This should work more as an example than anything else. But one could edit and play with it..

some blockquote

The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles.

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.

In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations.

The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes, directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.

From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the earliest towns. From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.

The discovery of America, the rounding of the Cape, opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie. The East-Indian and Chinese markets, the colonisation of America, trade with the colonies, the increase in the means of exchange and in commodities generally, gave to commerce, to navigation, to industry, an impulse never before known, and thereby, to the revolutionary element in the tottering feudal society, a rapid development.

The feudal system of industry, under which industrial production was monopolised by closed guilds, now no longer sufficed for the growing wants of the new markets. The manufacturing system took its place. The guild-masters were pushed on one side by the manufacturing middle class; division of labour between the different corporate guilds vanished in the face of division of labour in each single workshop.

Meantime the markets kept ever growing, the demand ever rising. Even manufacture no longer sufficed. Thereupon, steam and machinery revolutionised industrial production. The place of manufacture was taken by the giant, Modern Industry, the place of the industrial middle class, by industrial millionaires, the leaders of whole industrial armies, the modern bourgeois.

Modern industry has established the world-market, for which the discovery of America paved the way. This market has given an immense development to commerce, to navigation, to communication by land. This development has, in its time, reacted on the extension of industry; and in proportion as industry, commerce, navigation, railways extended, in the same proportion the bourgeoisie developed, increased its capital, and pushed into the background every class handed down from the Middle Ages.

annex⁄first annex

We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange.

da li je ovo alt

Each step in the development of the bourgeoisie was accompanied by a corresponding political advance of that class. An oppressed class under the sway of the feudal nobility, an armed and self-governing association in the mediaeval commune; here independent urban republic (as in Italy and Germany), there taxable “third estate” of the monarchy (as in France), afterwards, in the period of manufacture proper, serving either the semi-feudal or the absolute monarchy as a counterpoise against the nobility, and, in fact, corner-stone of the great monarchies in general, the bourgeoisie has at last, since the establishment of Modern Industry and of the world-market, conquered for itself, in the modern representative State, exclusive political sway. The executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.

syllabus⁄First syllabus inside a topic inside a curriculum

First syllabus

This should work more as an example than anything else. But one could edit and play with it.

syllabus⁄Second syllabus inside a topic inside a curriculum

Second syllabus

This should work more as an example than anything else… This seems to work..

topic⁄Second Topic in Curriculum

Second Topic in Curriculum

This should work more as an example than anything else. But one could edit and play with it…

syllabus⁄Third syllabus inside a topic inside a curriculum

Third syllabus

This should work more as an example than anything else… This seems to work.. Once again..

syllabus⁄Fourth syllabus inside a second topic inside a curriculum

Fourth syllabus

This should work more as an example than anything else. But one could edit and play with it… Once again…

author⁄Angelika Jakobi


Angelika Jakobi holds a PhD in African linguistics from Hamburg University. Based on extensive periods of linguistic field work in Sudan and Tchad, her research has focused on some languages of the northeastern branch of Nilo-Saharan, particularly Fur, Nyima, Zaghawa, and Nubian. She is the author of The Fur Language (1990) and the compiler and annotator of the bibliography The Nubian Languages (1993, with Tanja Kümmerle). She has also published a study of the Saharan language Zaghawa, Grammaire du beria (2004, with Joachim Crass). In her articles she has explored aspects of semantics, morphosyntax, transitivity, grammatical relations, and case as well as historical-comparative issues. Although she has retired from her last position at Cologne University in 2016, she is still actively engaged in research.

author⁄Claude Rilly


Claude Rilly is a senior researcher in CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) in Paris. Since 2019, he also hold the professorship in “Meroitic Language and Civilisation” at the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, (Paris – Sorbonne). From 2009 to 2014, he was director of the French Archaeological Unit in Khartoum (SFDAS). Since 2008, he leads the French Archaeological Mission of Sedeinga, in Sudanese Nubia. He has written three monographs on Meroitic language: La langue du Royaume de Meroé (2007), Le méroïtique et sa famille lingustique (2010), and The Meroitic Language and Writing System (with A. de Voogt, 2012), as well as a comprehensive “Histoire du Soudan, des origines à la chute du sultanat Fung” (2017).

author⁄George Starostin


George Starostin is a leading researcher in comparative-historical linguistics at the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), as well as head of the international project “Evolution of Human Languages” (Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, USA).

author⁄Roger M. Blench


Roger M. Blench is an anthropologist with interests in archaeology, linguistics and ethnomusicology. He gained his PhD from Cambridge University in 1975 and has since worked as a consultant sociologist. He is a Visiting Fellow at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Jos, and the Chief Research Officer of the Kay Williamson Educational Foundation.

author⁄Russell Norton


Russell Norton is a Senior Lecturer in linguistics at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria and a linguistics consultant at SIL International. He is the author of several articles on various Eastern Sudanic and Niger-Congo languages, and former editor of ccasional Papers in the study of Sudanese Languages. His research interests include the documentation, description, history and ecology of languages of Nigeria and Sudan.

editor⁄Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei


Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei is a publisher and philologist, specialized in Old Nubian. He is co-managing editor of Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies.