We Have Never Been Digital (2018)
Spaces That Perform Themselves: Multisensory Kinetic Environment for Sonic-Spatial Composition (2017)
Smart Slab. Computational design and digital fabrication of a lightweight concrete slab (2018)
Lap, Twist, Knot. Intentionality in digital-analogue making environments (2018)
In(di)visible: Computing Immersive Environments through Hybrid Senses (2017)
Hybrid Fabrication. A free-form building process withhigh on-site flexibility and acceptable accumulativeerror (2018)
Crowdsourcing the Obama Presidential Center: An Alternative Design Delivery Model: Democratizing Architectural Design (2017)
Critical Computational Literacy: A Call for the Development of Socially Aware, Ethically Minded Researchwithin ACADIA (2018)
Augmented Urban Experiences: Technologically Enhanced Design Research Methods for Revealing Hidden Qualities of the Built Environment (2017)