Zero-waste, Flat Pack Truss Work: An Investigation of Responsive Structuralism (2011)
World Wide Presentation and Critique of Design Proposals with the Web-PHIDIAS System (1998)
Will CAD Survive Designers? (1989)
Why Are We Here and Where We are Going: The Evolution of CAD (1989)
Where is this place? (2002)
What's in a Representation, Why Do We Care, and What Does It Mean? Examining Evidence from Psychology (1997)
What Is ACADIA'S Future? (2006)
What is a Design? (1989)
What has yet to be CAD (1986)
Were they right? (2006)
WebOutliner: A Web-Based Tool for Collaborative Space Programming and Design (2000)
Web Based Collaboration (for Free) Using Wikis in Design Studios (2006)
Wax, Plywood, Parametric Surface: Small Box Retail Renovation (2006)
Waste Ornament (2019)
Visualizing Negative Space (1992)
Vision on ICT Developments for the Building Sector (2000)
Viscous Catenary (2020)
VIRTUreALITY Digital Urban Modelling as a Community Design Form (2003)
Virtuality and Place (2002)
Virtual Tactility: Working to Overcome Perceptual and Conceptual Barriers in the Digital Design Studio (2002)
Virtual Study Abroad and Exchange Studio (1998)
Virtual Reality: Technology of the Future or Playground of the Cyberpunk? (1993)
Virtual Reality in the Architectural Design Studio (1994)
Virtual Raves in Synthetic LandscapesHybrid Rave Space (2003)
Virtual Graffiti Three-Dimensional Paint Tools for Conceptual Modeling in Upfront (1992)
Virtual Construction of Architecture Using 3D CAD and Simulation (1999)
Vertical Modulations (2019)
Vents 2.0 (2020)
Variations + Versioning (2003)
USL/State Facility Planning and Control Automation Pilot Project (1989)
Using Robotic Technologies to Integrate External Influences in Design (2011)
Using CAD to Teach Architectural Design (1988)
Using CAD in Fire Safety Research (1985)
Using Actuated Tensegrity Structures to Produce a Responsive Architecture (2003)
User Directed Parametric Design for Option Exploration (2019)
Use of Computers in Reconstruction of Ancient Buildings (2000)
URBAN FURNITURE: from gazebo to digi-booth (2003)
Unprintable Forms (2019)
Unfolding Architecture - Study, Development and Application of New Kinetic Structure Topologies (2005)
Undo Reinterpreted (2003)
Understanding Spatial Information with Integrated 3D Visual and Aural Design Applications (2002)
Understanding and Assisting CAD Users in the Real World (1995)
Ubiquitous Training of Visual-Spatial Skills: On the Development of Mobile Applications Using Handheld Devices (2007)
Turbulent Casting (2020)
Transformational Design (1989)
Transformable, Folding Space (1996)
Transformable Architecture Inspired by the Origami Art: Computer Visualization as a Tool for Form Exploration (2002)
Towards Real Time Interaction Visualization in NED (2000)
Towards Modular Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Architecture (2020)
Towards Comprehensive Space: A context for the programming/design of cybrids (2003)
Towards an Object-Oriented Language for the Declarative Design of Scenes (1998)
Towards a Multi-Agent Model for Visualizing Simulated User Behavior to Support the Assessment of Design Performance (1999)
Towards a Material Ecology (2012)
Towards a Living Architecture (2007)
Towards a Distributed, Robotically Assisted Construction Framework (2020)
Towards a Digital Theory of Affect (2010)
Toward Responsive Atmospheres: Prototype Exploration through Material and Computational Systems (2011)
Toward Discrete Architecture: Automation Takes Command (2019)
Toward an Architecture of Hertzian Space (2009)
Toward a Computer Integrated Design Studio (1988)
Topological and Material Formation (2020)
Tools for Designing Climate Responsive Buildings (1990)
Tooling Information (2011)
To Proceed Analysis of Dynamic Virtual Environment by Using Physical Model as a Protagonist (2003)
Time-like Architectures: The Emergence of Post-spatial Parametric Worlds (2002)
Time Promise Land: Notes on our current geographies (2010)
Three-Dimensional Translation of Japanese Katagami Patterns (2019)
Thermodynamic Architecture (2008)
Thermochromic Articulations (2019)
Thermal Reality Capture (2019)
Theoretical Notes on the Aesthetics of Architectural Texture Mapping (2020)
The Value of Arrhythmic Sounds in Isolated Space (2006)
The V.C.Net - A Digital Study In Architecture (1996)
The User Interface In Programs For Design Education: Issues And Criteria (1985)
The Use of Video-Computer Presentation Techniques to Aid in Communication Between Architect and Client (1990)
The Use of Genetic Algorithms in Art (2012)
The Tower of Babel: Bridging Diverse Languages with Information Technologies (2005)
The Tower of Babel a transformation of vladimir tatlin's monument to thethird international as a new headquarters for the united (2003)
The Topdown System and its use in Teaching - An Exploration of Structured, Knowledge-Based Design (1988)
The Thoroughbred Pegasus Plaza (2001)
The Terminal Crit (1986)
The Teaching of Computer Assisted Sustainable Architectural Design (1988)
The Space of an IDEA: Ideas for Living (2003)
The Smithsonian Courtyard Enclosure: A Case-Study of Digital Design Processes (2007)
The Search (2006)
The SciX Project: Re-Engineering from Paper-based to Free Electronic Publishing (2002)
The Role of Metaphor in Understanding Computers in Design (1992)
The Role of Color in Architectural Pedagogy Computation as a Creative Tool (1988)
The Right Tool at the Right Time - Drawing as an Interface to Knowledge Based Design Aids (1996)
The Re-Engineering Project Developing Pedagogical Frameworks for Early Stage Collaborative Design between Engineers and Architects (2006)
The Pleated Cape: From the Mass-Standardization of Levittown to Mass Customization Today (2006)
The Phidias Hypercad System: Extending CAD with Hypermedia (1990)
The Pheonix Mars Lander (2007)
The Perceived Impact of Computers on the Teaching of Design Goals and Reality (1987)
The Parametric Bridge: Connecting Digital Design Techniques in Architecture And Engineering (2003)
The Oxymoron of 'Jectivity' (2019)
The Ocean Tracking Network (2007)
The New Architecture of Phase Change: Speculations on Ice Rapid Prototyping (2007)
The Mind's Eye: Movement and Time in Architecture (1997)
The Membrane and the Fold (2010)
The Management of Internet Use, in UK Architectural Practices (2002)
The Limits of Digital Architecture: Interpretation versus Data (2010)
The Level of Knowledge of CAD Objects within the Building Information Model (2003)
The Intelligent Pencil: A framework for CAAD in Education (1986)
The Integration of Computing into Architectural Education Through Computer Literate Faculty (1987)
The Integration of Computer Modeling in Architectural Design (1990)
The Initial Start: Beginning CAADD for the Brand New Student (1987)
The Informed Wall: applying additive digital fabrication techniques on architecture (2006)
The Incorporation of Construction History into Architectural History: The HISTCON Interactive Computer Program (1996)
The Impact of Virtual Reality on the Design Process (1998)
The Impact of Information Technology in Design and Construction: The Owner's Perspective (1997)
The Impact of E-Commerce on the Design and Construction Industry (2000)
The Hylomorphic Project (2006)
The hexEnvelope system: a cross-platform embedding of material and software logic into descriptive geometry (2006)
The Grid Sketcher: An AutoCAD Based Tool for Conceptual Design Processes (1998)
The Graphics Application Paradigm: A Framework for User Understanding of CG/CAD Applications (1993)
The Global Brain: Beyond The Correlationist Paradigm In Architecture (2010)
The Glass Office - SCL office and showroom in Brisbane, Australia (2004)
The Flexing Room (2020)
The Fat Pencil, the Cocktail Napkin, and the Slide Library (1994)
The Elements Of Design Information For Participation In Neighborhood-Scale Planning (1997)
The Electronic Bauhaus (1994)
The Dynamics of Physical Ambiences (2007)
The Design of Buildings which Have Complex Mechanical Infrastructure using Expert Systems (1985)
The Database Revisited: Beyond the Container Metaphor (1995)
The Conceptual Approach to CAD Education (1988)
The Computer in the Design Studio. Ideas and Exercises that Go Beyond Automated Drafting (1986)
The Computer as a Graphic Medium in Conceptual Design (1992)
The Computability of Design (1986)
The Composite Building Sketch (2000)
The Collective Perspective Machine (2020)
The Building Design Advisor (1996)
The Buga Wood Pavilion (2019)
The ASU Strategic Plan For Computing Support (1988)
The Art of Spirolaterals (2001)
The Argument for the Argument Revisiting the Architecture Machine (2006)
The Architecture of Flows: Integrated Infrastructures and the 'Metasystem' of Urban Metabolism (2011)
The Anthropometric Measurement and Modeling Project 2002 (2002)
The Anthropometric Measurement and Modeling Project (2000)
The Aggregate of Continuum (2006)
The (changing) roles of computing in architectural design and education (2006)
Textual support of collaborative design (1999)
Text-to-Form (2020)
Tetrahedron Cloud (2011)
Testing the Space of the Virtual (2000)
Tensile Configurations (2019)
Teaching CAD with Language Learning Methods (1997)
Tartan Worlds: A Generative Symbol Grammar System (1992)
Tangible Tools for Architectural Design: Seamless Integration into the Architectural Workflow (2011)
Taking Turns: Strained Metaphors as Generators of Form in Computer Aided Design (1997)
Synthetic Research (2006)
Synthetic Pedagogy (2006)
Synthetic Making (2006)
Synthetic Dissemination (2006)
Synthetic Digital Ecologies (2012)
Synergism and Contingency: Design Collaboration with the Computer (1994)
Synagogue Neudeggergasse: A Virtual Reconstruction in Vienna (2000)
Surrealist Aesthetics in Second-Order, Cybernetic Architecture (2019)
Surfing the Tide of Change (2006)
Surface Generation of Radiatively-Cooled Building Skin for Desert Climate (2020)
Study Drawings in Architectural Design: Applications for CAD Systems (1987)
Student Initiated Computer Explorations in the Design Studio (1994)
Structural Papercuts (2020)
Structural Information as Material for Design (2007)
Structural Gizmos (2000)
Stressed Skin Wood Surface Structure (2019)
Strategies Toward Architectural Knowledge Engineering (1985)
Stock Space (2006)
Stimulating Creativity by Using Computers (1986)
Stigmergic Planning (2010)
Stereopsis in the Design and Presentation of Architectural Works (1995)
Stereoform Slab (2020)
Steering into the Skid (2020)
Starting From The Micro: A Pedagogical Approach to Designing Interactive Architecture (2005)
Square Peg in a Round Hole or Horseless Carriage? Reflections on the Use of Computing in Architecture (1999)
Speculations on a Machine-Understandable Language for Architecture (1998)
Spatial Presence: An Explication From an Architectural Point of View (2007)
Spatial Assembly with Self-Play Reinforcement Learning (2020)
SpaceMaker - Creating Space by Sketching It (2003)
SpaceCore: Metadata for Retrieving Spatial Information in Architecture (2002)
Space Stations, Computers and Architectural Design (1987)
Space Group Symmetry Generation for Design (2020)
Space Allocation Techniques (SAT) (2020)
Sound Space (2019)
Some Patterns for Parametric Modeling (2007)
Some Metaphysical Considerations Raised by the Computer-Generated Electronic Environment (1988)
Some Experimental Results in the Assessment of Architectural Media (2000)
Some Epistemological Concerns Regarding Artificial Intelligence And Knowledge-Based Approaches To Architectural Design - A Renewed Agenda (1993)
Solid Modeling as a Tool for Constructing Solar Envelopes (1995)
SolCAD: 3D Spatial Design Tool Tool to Generate Solar Envelope (2003)
Soil 3D Printing (2019)
Soft Responsive Kinetic System: An Elastic Transformable Architectural Skin for Climatic and Visual Control (2011)
SmartWrap Pavilion (2004)
Smart Housing for the Elderly: Understanding Perceptions and Biases of Rural America (2007)
Smart Homes for the Rural Population: New Challenges and Opportunities (2005)
Smart and Nano Materials in Architecture (2005)
Skin That Fits: Designing and constructing cladding systems with as-built structural data (2005)
Situated Bioclimatic Information Design: a new approach to the processing and visualization of climate data (2010)
Simulation and Calibration of Graded Knitted Membranes (2020)
Simplifying Catenary Wood Structures (2019)
Short Stack (2020)
Shape-Programmed Self-Assembly of Bead Structures (2020)
Shape Change in Responsive Architectural Structures: Current Reasons & Challenge (2006)
Shading Mask: A Teaching Tool for Sun Shading Devices (1995)
Serendipity and Discovery in a Machine Age: Craft and a CNC Router (2009)
Semantically Rich Building Representation (1997)
Self-Organizing Map and Axial Spatial Arrangement: Topological Mapping of Alternative Designs (2006)
Self-Choreographing Network (2019)
Seeing Architecture With A Filmmaker'S Eyes (2003)
Scripting for a New Architecture: Studies in Structural Optimization (2009)
Scripted Materials (2011)
Schematic design system for flexible and multi-aspect design thinking (1999)
SANDbox Urbanism - suggestions for deserting the city (2003)
Saltatur (2020)
Rule - Based Representation Of Design In Architectural Practice (1997)
Robotically Augmented Imaging (RAI Alpha) (2019)
Robotic Rod-bending: Digital Drawing in Physical Space (2011)
Robot Ex Machina (2019)
Riscad: A Simplified Approach To Cad System Design (1992)
Revitalization of Existing Buildings through Sustainable Non-Destructive Floor Space Relocation (2006)
Return To Roots: Computational Modeling as a Tool For Architecture (2003)
Responsiveness and Social Expression; Seeking Human Embodiment in Intelligent Facades (2005)
Responsive Shading | Intelligent Facade Systems (2010)
Responsive Architecture: An Integrated Approach for the Future (2000)
Responsive and Autonomous Material Interfaces (2011)
Resolving Archaeological Site Data With 3D Computer Modeling: The Case of Ceren (1996)
Research & Design in Shifting from Analog to Digital (2007)
Requirements For An Effective Distributed Design Review (2003)
Representing Design Decisions: An Object Oriented Approach (1997)
Representing Architectural Design Using Virtual Computers (1997)
Representing Architectural Design Using a Connections-Based Paradigm (2003)
Representation of Architectural Concepts in the Study of Precedents: A Concept-Learning System (1997)
Representation in the Computer Aided Design Studio (1988)
Replacing the 1950's Curriculum (2006)
Reformative Coral Habitats (2020)
Reducing Semantic Distance in Generative Systems: A Massing Example (1998)
Reconstructions, Remakes and Sequels: Architecture and Motion Pictures (1996)
Recognizing Emergent Subshapes in Design Problem Solving: A Connectionist Investigation (1993)
Realtime Architecture Platform: CollabWood (2020)
Realities of Design (1991)
Real and Un-real Color (1991)
Re-representation of Urban Imagery: Strategies for Constructing Knowledge (2007)
Rapid Craft: Material Experiments towards an Integrated Sensing Skin System (2007)
PUSH: Generating Structural Form with Haptic Feedback (1999)
Punching Above Your Weight: Digital Design Methods and Organisational Change in Small Practice (2007)
Pulse V2 (2020)
Psyberdesign: Designing the Cognitive Spaces of Virtual Environments (1998)
Prototype As Artefact (2020)
Progressive Spheres of Innovation: Efficiency, communication and collaboration (2011)
Programs as Pencils: Investigating Form Generation (1997)
Programmable Matter (2016)
Process and Individuation: Designing for Controlled Indeterminacy (2003)
Procedural Design (2016)
Predictable Modelling Interaction Using High-Level Constraints: Making Objects Behave As They Would In Our Environment (1991)
Practical Support for Collaborative Design Involving Divided Interests (1999)
Practical Image Based Lighting (2002)
Potentials for Multi-dimensional Tessellations in Architectural Applications (2011)
Posthuman Engagements (2016)
Position Paper for ACADIA 2006 (2006)
Portable Generative Design for CAD Applications (2011)
PolyForm: Biomimetic Surfaces (2006)
PolyBrickH2.0 (2019)
Polybrick 2.0 (2019)
Poiesis and Autopoiesis in Architecture (2005)
Playing with Digital Media: Enlivening Computer Graphics Teaching (1999)
Playing with Design Intent: Integration of Physical and Urban Constraints in CAD (1998)
Plausibility in the Planning Process - Reason and Confidence in the Computer-Aided Design and Planning of Buildings (2002)
Place, Time And The Virtual Design Studio (1994)
Physically Based Daylight Simulation and Visualization (2001)
Physical Simulation in a VR Tool for Urban Design (2003)
Physical and Digital Media Strategies For Exploring 'Imagined' Realities of Space, Skin and Light (2002)
PHIDIAS II - In Support of Collaborative Design (1996)
Perimetric Boundary (2006)
Performance House: A CADCAM Modular House System (2006)
Pedestrian Flow: Monitoring and Prediction (2020)
Patty & Jan (2020)
Participant Observation Can Discover Design Patterns in Parametric Modeling (2007)
Parametric Surface Redux: IJP (Finally) Explained (2010)
Parametric Photo V-Carve for Variable Surfaces (2020)
Parametric Model Manipulation in Virtual Reality (2020)
Paint Systems as a Design Tool .... 'Oh Wow!' (1988)
P3: An Integrated Environment to Support Design Collaboration (1997)
Online Database for Structural Details - DeTra (2003)
One Size Fits None: A User Interface for Constraint-Based Design (2009)
On the Use of Occlusion Maps to Examine Additions to Existing Buildings (2009)
On the Structure and Elements of SEMPER (1996)
On the Limitations of Shape Grammars: Comments on Aaron Fleisher's Article 'Grammatical Architecture?' (2003)
On the Abstraction of Information and the Physical Tectonics of Materials (2010)
Old Wine in New Wine Skins: Architecture, Representation and Electronic Media (1997)
Old and New Challenges ACADIA After 25 Years (2006)
Off The Page: Object-Oriented Construction Drawings (2000)
Of Computer Memory and Human Remembrance: History of Urban Form Through Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling (1990)
Object-Oriented Application Development in CAD: A Graduate Course (2002)
Object-Field (2020)
Object Based Modeling and Concept-Testing: A Framework for Studio Teaching (1992)
Oakland Blues: Virtual Presentation of 7th Street's 1950's Jazz Scene (2007)
Nurturing Design Intuition in Energy Software (1986)
Notes on Abductive Experimentation (2010)
Notes for an Archeology of Responsive Environments: The case of Montreal 1965-1975 (2010)
New Values of New Design (2011)
New Methods of Architecture and Building (2004)
New Media (2003)
Networked Coding Method for Digital Timber Fabrication (2011)
Net-enabled Collective Design Authorship (1999)
Navigating towards digital tectonic tools (2005)
Nature And The Cultural Evolution Of Architectural Forms (2008)
Narrative Models: A Database Approach to Modeling Medieval Cairo (1996)
Multiple-constraint Genetic Algorithm in Housing Design (2006)
Multiperformative Efficient Systems (MES) Towards System Thinking (2009)
Multidimensional Presentation Environments with IntegratedIntelligent Agents (2003)
Multi-Resolution Sky Visualization: Daylight Design and Design Tools (2002)
Multi-Faceted Architectural Visualization (1992)
Mountain Deflection Reflection (2003)
Motion and Modular Architecture (2011)
Modern Translations, Contemporary Methods: DL-1_Resonance House!AE (2005)
Models, Scanners, Pencils, and CAD: Interactions Between Manual and Digital Media (1995)
Modeling Urban Spaces: GIS and CAD Compared (2002)
Modeling Architectural Forms through Replacement Operations (1989)
Modeling Architectural Design Objectives in Physically Based Space Planning (1999)
Model for an Integrated Design Evaluation System using Knowledge Bases (1986)
Mission Possible: Computer Aided Design for Everyone (1992)
Mis(sed)information in Public Space (2007)
Micro-computers and Computer Aided Design Instruction (1986)
Metaphors in Design: An Experiment with a Frame, Two Lines and Two Rectangles (1992)
Melting 2.0 (2020)
Mediating Spatial Phenomena through Computational Heuristics (2010)
Media Matters: Nudging Digital Media Into A Manual Design Process (And Vice Versa) (1996)
Media Interaction & Design Process: Establishing a Knowledge Base (1998)
Media in Mediation: Prospects for Computer Assisted Design Participation (1999)
Mathematical Modeling of Cities as Complex Systems (2019)
Material Generation: Materiality and Materialisation as Active Drivers in Design Computation (2012)
Material Frontiers (2016)
Material Computation: Voussoir cloud (2011)
Material Computation in Architectural Aggregate Systems (2010)
Mass-Customization in Design Using Evolutionary and Parametric Methods (2000)
Manufacturing Surface Effects (2006)
Manufacturing Architecture (2004)
Making Space Content Specific Interactive Architectures for Information Presentation (2006)
Making of OBELISK: Multimedia Archiving System (1997)
Making Models Architectural: Protean Representations to Fit Architects' Minds (1998)
Making a New City Image (2020)
Make No Little Plans: Designing the Chicago Lakefront in a Virtual Reality Environment (2003)
Machine Learning for Comparative Urban Planning at Scale: An Aviation Case Study (2020)
Log Knot (2020)
Live L'oeil - Through the Looking Ceiling (2020)
Lithophanic Dunes: The Dunejars (2019)
Literal Digital (2010)
LiQuID: Lighting Quality for Design (2003)
Linked QTVR System for SimulatingCitizens' Strolling Around Activities (2002)
Lines, Relations, Drawing and Design (1994)
LightWing II (2020)
Light Exchange (2006)
Light and Form: A Case Study (1993)
Let's Work Together: A Stigmergic Approach to Acoustic Design (2011)
Learning in Digital Space: Dynamic Visualization of Structural Behavior as a Teaching Strategy (2002)
Las Vegas Incorporated:experience +/- commodity = identity (2003)
Landscape of the Mind (1991)
Knowledge-based Stair Design (1993)
Knowledge-Based Computational Support for Architectural Design (1994)
Knitted Bio-Material Assembly (2020)
Knitectonics (2011)
Kinetic Tensegrity Grids with 3D Compressed Components (2009)
Kielder Probes' - bespoke tools for an indeterminate design process (2005)
Kafka's Penal Colony (2001)
Just Passing Through: Integration in Computational Environmental Design (2011)
Janus Printing (2019)
Issues for User Interaction Models: Grammar Based Design: (1999)
Issue-Based Information Systems for Design (1988)
Irregular Vertex Editing and Pattern Design on Mesh (2011)
Irradiated Shade (2020)
IRIDESCENCE: Bio-Inspired Emotive Matter (2019)
Investigations into the Production of Form (1995)
Inventioneering Architecture: building a doubly curved section through Switzerland (2006)
Intuitive and Effective Design of Periodic Symmetric Tiles (2000)
Introductory Computer Programming as a Means for Extending Spatial and Temporal Understanding (2000)
Introduction: RECALIBRATION (2018)
Introduction: Posthuman Frontiers (2016)
Introduction to Concept and Form in Architecture: An Experimental Design Studio Using the Digital Media (1996)
Introduction (2008)
Interpreting Takefijmi Aida's Toy Block Houses (1988)
Interlocking Shell (2020)
Interfacing Virtual & Physical Spaces through the Body: The cyberPRINT Project (2002)
Interface: Between Analog and Digital Systems (2010)
Interdisciplinary AI (2019)
Interactive Urban Models (1993)
Interactive Placemaking: Three Critical Enquiries into Urban Interactions in Place (2011)
Interactive Facade Detail Design Reviews with the VR Scope Box (2019)
Interactive Color Theory - Education, Research and Practice: The Development of CoMoS3 (1987)
Integrative Design Strategies for Multimedia in Architecture (2011)
Integrative Design Computation: Integrating material behaviour and robotic manufacturing processes in computational design for performative wood constructions (2011)
Integration of Computer Applications in the Practice of Architecture (1993)
Integrating Video Tracking and Virtual Reality in Environmental Behavior Study (2006)
Integrating Digital Media in the Lanscape Architecture Studio: Overlaying Media and Process (1998)
Integrating Computers into the Design Studio - A Critical Evaluation (1987)
Integrating CADD into the AEC Process - A Case Study (1985)
Inside Out (1990)
Inscribe: Questions + Answers (2003)
Innovative Puzzles (2011)
Infrasonic (2019)
Informing Grounds (2019)
Informing Design through Production Formulations (2011)
Informing Architecture and Urban Modeling with Real-world Data on 3D Tangible Interfaces and Augmented Displays (2011)
Informed Architecture: Affluence, Influence, and Confluence: Three Conditions on the Nature of Information and the Architectural Organism (2010)
Information Visualization (2003)
Information is the Raw Material of a New Architecture (2010)
Information Architecture (1991)
Indoor Positioning System for Occupation Density Control (2020)
Incorporating Guidelines Into a Case-Based Architectural Design Tool (1994)
In:forming a Critical Digital Architecture Autonomy into Life (2010)
In the Eye of the Beholder: A Proposal to Further the Critical Framework of Computer Graphics in Architectural Design (1989)
In Search of Synthetic Immortality (2010)
Impact of Robotic 3D Printing Process Parameters on Bond Strength (2020)
Immersive Real-Time Audio/Visual Architectural Simulations (2002)
Immersive Drafted Virtual Reality a new approach for ideation within virtual reality (2006)
Imaginary Plans (2019)
Image Sampling (1990)
Illusion, Frustration and Vision in Computer-Aided Project Planning: A Reflection and Outlook on the Use of Computing in Architecture (2000)
IceFormwork for Cast HPFRC Elements (2019)
i+a: Explorations in Emerging Architectural / Typologies and Design Processes (2002)
Hypermedia Authoring and Contextual Modeling in Architecture and Urban Design: Collaborative Reconstructing Historical Sheffield (1999)
Hybrid modeling revaluing manual action for 3D modeling (2006)
Hybrid Elevations using GAN Networks (2019)
How Machines Learn to Plan (2020)
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love AutoCAD (2005)
Houston Street Project (2006)
housemc - Mass-CraftingNumerical instructions for construction (2003)
Homeorrhetism: Few Observations on the Nature of Experimentation in Computational Architecture (2011)
Hack-on-Life (2010)
Gusto: Rationalizing Computational Masonry Design (2020)
Ground Sculpture on CADD: Forming and Coloring the Landform in a Graphic Data Base (1989)
Grids in Design and CAD (1991)
Graphic Standards: IGES and PDES in an AEC Environment (1987)
Gordian Knots and Endless Loops (2011)
Going Past the Golem: The Emergence of Smart Architecture (2006)
goBIM: BIM Review for the iPhone (2009)
Gizmo & WiiView: Tangible User Interfaces Enabling Architectural Presentations (2009)
Getting Computers to Read the Architectural Semantics of Drawings (1995)
Generative Robotics (2016)
Generating and Optimizing a Funicular Arch Floor Structure (2020)
GAN Loci (2019)
G Pen: An Intelligent Designer's Playmate (2003)
Future Cities Lab | Energy Farm: Seoul Opera House (2006)
Functional Grammars: An Introduction (1991)
Function Follows Form: 10 Sticks (and a Bench) (2003)
From Post- to Plus-Digital (2011)
From Paris Texas to the Road Warrior: Computer Aided Landscapes and the Road Movie, AKA, Content, Form, and Film Media within Architectural Education (1999)
From Emergence of Form to the Forming of Logic (2003)
From Dreamtime to QuickTime: The Resurgence of the 360-Degree Panoramic View as a Form of Computer-Synthesised Architectural Representation (2000)
From Concept to Realization (2006)
From Concept to Construction (2020)
From Bezier to NURBS: Integrating Material and Digital Techniques through a Plywood Shell (2005)
Free-form Grid Shell Design Based on Genetic Algorithms (2011)
Four-D Architectural Exploration Through CAD: Applications of the Computer to Architectural History (1987)
Four Degrees Of Freedom (2003)
Formica Forma (2020)
FORM{less} (2020)
Form, Color & Movement (1987)
Form Force Matter: Investigating form-active systems through analog machines and physics-based simulation (2011)
Forewords: The Need for Nimble Thinking (2011)
Foreword: Re-Positioning (2018)
Foreword: Complex Entanglements (2016)
Foll(i)cle (2020)
Fluid (in)form:Influencing Design Through Dynamic Particle Simulation (2003)
Flexible Formwork Research (FPR) (2006)
Five Excursions (2007)
First Drawings, Then Semantics (1994)
Film Theory and Architectural Design (1994)
Fast Complexity (2020)
Fantastic Reconstructions or Reconstructions of the Fantastic? Tracking and Presenting Ambiguity, Alternatives, and Documentation in Virtual Worlds (2002)
Fabrication of Partially Double-Curved Surfaces out of Flat Sheet Material Through a 3D Puzzle Approach (2003)
Extreme Spatial Experience: Altering the Perception of Space (2002)
Exploring the Design and Fabrication of Inflatables: 'The Taming of the Shrew' (2006)
Exploring Natural Wood (2019)
Experimental Biocomposite Pavilion (2019)
Experimental Applications of Virtual Reality in Design Education (2019)
Expel Binary Assumptions (2010)
Expanding the Systematic Agencyof a Material System (2019)
Executable Drawings: The Computation of Digital Architecture (1998)
Evolving Cooperative Behaviour in a Reflexive Membrane (2007)
Eve's Four Faces interactive surface configurations (2006)
Evaluating the Complexity of CAD Models as a Measure for Student Assessment (2000)
EVAL: A Web-based Design Review System (1999)
Eucalyptus: User Controlled Lightpath Enabled Participatory Design Studio (2006)
Escarpment Study in a Virtual Flow Environment: A Comparative Analysis of a Single Building Type Modeled in Varying Topological Situations (2002)
Envisioning Cyberspace: The Design of On-Line Communities (1996)
Enhancing the Sketchbook (1991)
Enhancing Architectural Communication with Gaming Engines (2003)
Engrained Performance (2020)
Engelbart (2020)
Engaging Intuitive Visual Thinking in Urban Design Modelling: A Real-Time Hypothesis (1988)
Energy Graphics: A Progress Report on the Development of Architectural Courseware (1985)
Encoded Images (2020)
Embedded Sensing and Control (2020)
Embedded Intelligence: Material Responsiveness in Facade Systems (2010)
Elitism, IT and the Modern Architect Opportunity or Dilemma (2002)
Elements That Follow Your Rules: Constraint Based CAD Layout (1996)
Elementary School: The Design Process (2003)
Electronic Extension: Some implications of cyberspace for the practice of architecture (1999)
Electronic Color in the Architectural Studio - An Alternative Strategy for Introducing the Computer as a Creative Tool in the Studio Environment (1985)
ELAbot (2020)
Educating for the Unknown: Present Computer Education for Future Design Practice (1988)
Dynamic Knowledge Map: Reusing Experts' Tacit Knowledge in the AEC Industry (2002)
Dynamic Interaction of Solids as a Design Tool (1990)
Dynamic Anthropometric Modeling Interface (2020)
DVIN: A Dual View Information Navigation System (2007)
Drawn, Together (2020)
Drawing Lessons from Word Processing (1988)
Drawing Analogies: Finding Visual References By Sketching (1995)
Dragonfly: An Ecological Approach to Digital Architectural Design (2011)
Do Robots Dream of Digital Sleep? (2019)
Distributed Robotic Timber Construction (2019)
Distributed Agents for Morphologic and Behavioral Expression in Cellular Design Systems (2002)
Dissolvable 3DP Formwork (2019)
Dissolvable 3D Printed Formwork (2019)
Discrete vs. Discretized Growth (2019)
Discrete Space: Automason Ver. 1.0 (2005)
Discrete Continuity in the Urban Architectures of H. Hara & K. Kuma (2020)
Discrete Automation (2020)
Discoursing on Urban History Through Structured Typologies (1992)
Digital Tracery: Fabricating Traits (2010)
Digital Theory (2003)
Digital Suprematism (2019)
Digital Practice (2003)
Digital Plaster: A Prototypical Design System (2012)
Digital Ornament (2006)
Digital Media and the Language of Vision (1999)
Digital Materiallurgy: On the productive force of deep codes and vital matter (2011)
Digital Innovation and Organizational Change in Design Practice (2003)
Digital Imaging and the Web in Teaching Structures: A Rigorous Visual Approach (1996)
Digital Fabrication: From Digital To Material (2003)
Digital Fabrication of Standardless Materials (2019)
Digital Fabric: Generating Ceramic Catenary Networks (2007)
Digital Exploration of Unbuilt Architecture: A Non-Photorealistic Approach (2003)
Digital Environments for Learning and Collaboration Architecture, Communication, Creativity, Media and Design Process (1999)
Digital Design Pedagogy: Strategies and Results of Some Successful Experiments (2007)
Digital Design Pedagogy Setting the Foundation for Digital Design in the Architecture Curriculum (2006)
Digital Design In Architecture: First Light, Then Motion, and Now Sound (1994)
Digital Design and Making 30 Years After (2006)
Digital Design (2003)
Digital Curricula: Effective Integration of Digital Courses. Stitched-spaces and Digital Permutations (2003)
Digital Curricula: Effective Integration Of Digital Courses - A Delicate Balance (2003)
Digital Culture And Architecture:: Evolution or Revolution (2010)
Digital Clay: Deriving Digital Models from Freehand Sketches (1998)
Digital Ceramics: Crafts-based Media for Novel Material Expression & Information Mediation at the Architectural Scale (2010)
Digital Architectures (2000)
Digital Architecture - What Would 6000 Points Turn Out To Be? (2003)
Developments in 3D Scanning and Digitizing: New Strategies for an Evolving Design Process (1998)
Development of Interfaces for CAD Processing in Architecture (1987)
Development of Design Workflows for Kinetic Structures Using Fuzzy Logic (2007)
Development of a Knowledge-Rich CAD System for the North American Precast Concrete Industry (2003)
Developing Systematics Regarding Virtual Reconstruction of Synagogues (2002)
Developing Concrete Polymer Building Components for 3D Printing (2011)
Designing Mixed Reality: Principles, Projects and Practice (2007)
Designing in the CAD Studio (1988)
Designing Design, Designing Assembly, Designing Industry (2010)
Designing Architectural Experiences: Using Computers to Construct Temporal 3D Narratives (1995)
Designing and Manufacturing in the Digital Age (2004)
Designing [with] Machines (2020)
Design, Heuristics and Digital Media. An Experimental Pedagogic Approach to the Cultural Integration of Media (1999)
Design-to-Manufacture Workflows of Sound-Scattering Acoustic Brick Walls (2020)
Design-Aided Computing: Adapting Old Spaces to New Uses (1985)
Design Tools Integration in an Integrated Design Environment (1995)
Design Teaching: The Language of Architectural Plans (1988)
Design Philosophy: Implications for Computer Integration in the Practice of Architecture (1992)
Design Modeling With Shape Algebras and Formal Logic (1996)
Design Mediums and Other Phenomena of First Generation CAD Practice (1993)
Design Informatics (2005)
Design Ground - An Iconic Tactile Surface (2005)
Design for Mass-Customization (2019)
Design Evaluation Based on Virtual Representation of Spaces (1997)
Design as Digital Correspondence (1992)
Design and Development of Low-cost Portable Immersive Spaces (2011)
Descriptive Conventions for Shape Grammars (2002)
Delivering Facility Documentation using Intranet Technology (1998)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robotic Tensegrity (ART) (2019)
Deep Green (2020)
Deconstructing the Constructivist Drawings of Iakov Chernikhov (1990)
DE:Stress Pavilion (2020)
Daylight Simulation: Examining its place during Conceptual Stages in a CAAD Studio (2002)
Data-Driven Midsole (2020)
Data Representation Architecture: Visualization Design Methods, Theory and Technology Applied to Anesthesiology (2000)
Data Modeling Needs of Life Safety Code (LSC) Compliance Applications (1992)
Data Modeling Issues in Simulating the Dynamic Processes in Life Cycle Analysis of Buildings (2002)
Cynergies: Technologies that Hybridize Physical and Cyberspaces (2003)
Cybrids: Integrating Cognitive and Physical Space in Architecture (1997)
Cyber-physical UAV Navigation and Operation (2019)
Curvilinear Pedagogy of Tensile Fabrications (2006)
Cultural Parametrics (1991)
Cultivating Design Competence: Online Support for the Beginning Design Studio (1998)
Crossing Two Thresholds with one Stepping Stone - Scenario for a More Comfortable Design Environment (2002)
Cross-disciplinary Prototyping: Pedagogical Frameworks for Integrating Biological Analogies into Design Courses (2011)
Craft and Geometry in Architecture: An Experimental Design Studio Using the Computer (1994)
Coral Carbonate (2020)
Context Aware Paper-Based Review Instrument A Tangible User Interface for Architecture Design Review (2006)
Constraint-Based Three-Dimensional Modeling as a Design Tool (1991)
Connecting Digital Tools (2003)
Connected Courses: Methods Of Network Communications (2003)
Conceptual Design on a Microcomputer (1986)
Con-Create (2020)
Computing and Design in the Canadian Schools of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: A Proposed Research Agenda for Integrated CAD & GIS in the 1990's (1989)
Computers in Design Exploring Light and Time (1998)
Computers in Architecture or 'Are we there yet?' A short, rambling, personal essay (2006)
Computers and Architectural Design: Going Beyond the Tool (1998)
Computer-Aided Learning of Structural Behavior (1988)
Computer-aided Extraction of Morphological Information from Architectural Drawings (1994)
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Strategies: One Size Does Not Fit All (1991)
Computer Visualization as a Tool for the Conceptual Understanding of Architecture (1997)
Computer Supported Design Studio (1999)
Computer Simulation and Visualization of Geometrically Changing Structures (2000)
Computer Integrated Architecture/Engineering/Construction Project-Centered Learning Environment (1996)
Computer Graphics: Assistance for Archaeological Hypotheses (1998)
Computer Applications in Architectural Conservation (1990)
Computer Aided Design for Wind and Seismic Forces (1992)
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Building Design Practice (2020)
Computational Design of Fiber Composite Tower Structures (2020)
Computational Composition in Architecture (1988)
Computation against design? Toward a new logicocentrism in architecture (2010)
Composite Images on Mobile Devices Augmenting Reality in an Outdoor Environment (2009)
Composing the Bits of Surfaces in Architectural Practice (2007)
Component-Based, Three-Dimensional 'Working Drawings' (1993)
Component-Based Spatial Reasoning (1992)
Component Based Computer Aided Learning for Students of Architecture and Civil Engineering (1989)
Compliant Laminar Assemblies (2019)
Complexity as a Creative Force in Design Variegation, Heterogeneity, Diversity (2006)
Completions (2020)
Comparing Immersion in Collaborative Ideation through Design Conversations, Workload and Experience (2011)
Collaborative Design Process Simulation Game (2003)
Collaborative Design in Virtual Space - GreenSpace II: A Shared Environment for Architectural Design Review (1996)
Collaborative Design Approach to Intelligent Environments (2005)
Coding and Modelling Communication in Architectural Collaborative Design (1999)
Clustering and Morphological Analysis of Campus Context (2020)
Closing the Gap: The e4d Design Series and the Mediation of Digital Design Skills (2007)
Closing in on an Open Problem: Reasons and a Strategy to Encode Emergent Subshapes (1990)
Climatic Factors in Regional Design: An Interactive Tool for Design Education (1998)
Casting on a Dump (2020)
Case Study of Tacit Knowledge Sharing in a Distributed Design Studio (2003)
Case Studies in Architectural CADD Education (1986)
Casa Covida (2020)
Can the subaltern speak? (2020)
Calligraphies of Disturbances (2020)
CAD-Spreadsheet Linkages for Design and Analysis (1985)
CAD Tools for Systems Theory and Bottom Up Design (1989)
CAD Technology Transfer: A Case Study (1990)
CAD in the Design Studio: The Discovery of Inhabitation (1993)
CAD and the Baroque (1990)
CAAD: The Interactive Effect in Technical Education (1985)
CAAD Usage: Now and When At OSU (1987)
Bursting the Bubble (2019)
Building, Seeing, Thinking: The Use Of The Computer In The Investigation Of Visual Logic (1991)
Building Representation within a Component Based Paradigm (1990)
Building is a Network for Living in: Toward New Architectures (2005)
Building Information Modeling: Interactive Versioning Experiment (2006)
Building A Computer Aid for Teaching Architectural Design Concepts (1995)
Buga Fibre Pavilion (2019)
Breeding Architecture with Design (2011)
Boundary Representation in Practice (1993)
Bodies in Formation: The material evolution of flexible formworks (2011)
Blockerties (2019)
Block 37 (2003)
Bioinspiration For Engineering And Architecture: Materials--Structures--Function (2008)
Bio-Inspired Lamellar Structures (2019)
BIM-Based Automatic Contact Tracing System Using Wi-Fi (2020)
BIM Hyperreality (2020)
BIM applications in Design Studio An integrative approach Developing Student Skills with Computer Modeling (2006)
Bidirectional Interoperability Between CAD and Energy Performance Simulation Through Virtual Model System Framework (2006)
BI[r]O-BO[o]T Ecosophical Apparatus & Skizoid Machines (2008)
Bi-directional Inference in Thermal Design (1996)
Beyond Technology: Efficiency, Aesthetics, and Embodied Experience (2007)
Between Signal and Noise (2020)
Between Friends: Support of Workgroup Communications (2000)
Between Digital & Analog Civilizations: The Spatial Manipulation Media Workshop (1997)
Bespoke Cast Facade (2019)
Berlin-Crane City: Cardboard, Bits, and the Post-industrial Design Process (1997)
Behavior-based Computational Design Methodologies: Integrative processes for force defined material structures (2011)
Balancing Computer Use and Design Content in Studio Projects (1998)
Baha'i Temple temple of ligh (2004)
Autonomous Architectural Operations (2019)
Automating the Drafting for As-Found Recording and Facility Management Surveys (1995)
Automated Folding of Sheet Metal Components with a Six-axis Industrial Robot (2011)
Augmenting Craft with Mixed Reality (2020)
Augmented Craftsmanship (2019)
Augmented Construction (2019)
Audio and Video Drawings Mapping Temporality (2006)
ATMOSPHERE: Material for the digital gardener (2008)
Asynchronous Architecture (1993)
Aspects of Tenochtitlan: Nature of CD-ROM Production in the Construction of Content (1997)
Aspects of Rules and Language in Design Decisions (1987)
Ashen Cabin (2020)
Argumentative Agents as Catalysts of Collaboration in Design (1996)
Arduino Microcontrollers and The Queen's Hamlet: Utilitarian and Hedonized DIY Practices in Contemporary Electronic Culture (2011)
ArchiWAIS: A Multimedia-Based Architectural Information System for Teaching and Learning Architectural History and Theory (1994)
Architecture on Digital Flatland: Opportunities for Presenting Architectural Precedence (2007)
Architecture in the Environment: A Technology-Centered Model for Priomary, Secondary & Post-Secondary Educational Partnership (1995)
Architecture in Digital Space: Actual and Potential Markets (1995)
Architecture and the Culture of Contingency (2007)
Architecture and Industrial Design A Convergent Process for Design (2006)
Architecture and Computing: A medium approach (1995)
Architectural Tours through Texture Space (1991)
Architectural Tool Building: Introduction to Pascal for Architects and Designers Using Graphics on the IBM PC and Macintosh (1985)
Architectural Space Synthesizer - The last link of a CAAD system (1986)
Architectural Expert Systems: Definition, Application Areas and Practical Examples (1985)
Architectural Design and Digital Paradigm: from Renaissance Models to Digital Architecture (2003)
Architectural Courseware - A Network Based MuItimedia System for Design Education (1994)
Architectural Construction Documents on the Web: VRML as a Case Study (1998)
Architectural Applications of Complex Adaptive Systems (2003)
Architectural Acoustic Teaching Software (1997)
ArchiMedia Case Studies: Integrative Architectural Education (1991)
ARCH 431: Computer-Aided Design (1988)
Appropriate Levels Of Access: An Empirical Study On The Availability Of Computers In Studio (2003)
Applying Scientific Simulation to Integrate Thermoelectric Conductor Module into Architectural Design - Smart Wall for Thermal Comfort (2005)
Application of Life Information in Architecture: Biodigital Architecture and Genetics (2010)
Application of an Automatic Shape Clustering Method (2019)
Anxious Landscapes (2020)
Anticipating Reuse: Documenting Buildings for Operations Using Web Technology (1999)
Ancient Structures and Modern Analysis: Investigating Damage and Reconstruction at Pompeii (1997)
Analysis of Digital Image Properties and Human Preference (2002)
An Urbanistic Design Tool (2002)
An Overview of the PHIDIAS II HyperCAD System (1994)
An Interface Between CAD and Energy Analysis System (1987)
An Interactive Urban Database (1993)
An Interactive CAD Based System Integrating Visual Analysis & Design (1986)
An Insight into the Freedom of Using a Pen: Pen-based System and Pen-and-paper (2003)
An Inductive Approach to Digital Modeling Instruction (2003)
An Inconvenient Studio (2009)
An Image-based and Knowledge-based System for Efficient Architectural and Urban Modeling (2002)
An Experimental Computer-Aided Design Studio (1987)
An Experiment in Design Collaboration (1998)
An Experiment in Computational Composition (1989)
An Evaluation of Urban Simulation Processes for the Elumens Vision Dome (2002)
An Epistemological and Systems Approach to Digital Technology Integration in Architectural Curriculum (1999)
An Electronic Tool for Urban Design Analysis (1993)
An Electronic Design Assistance Tool for Case Based Representation of Designs (1996)
An Application of Geometric Modeling and Ray Tracing to the Visual and Acoustical Analysis of a Municipal Open-Air Auditorium (1990)
An AI Lens on Historic Cairo (2020)
An Affordable Immersive Environment in Beginning Design Studio Education (2002)
AmbiViewer: A Tool for Creating Architectural Mixed Reality (2005)
Ambient Space (2007)
Am I? Architecture of Ambient Intelligence (2007)
Alternative Models of Architectural Practice: The Impact of Computers -- 1990 and 2000 (1986)
AlloPolis and Kami: Manifesto toward the computational composition of the new polis (2011)
Alive (2019)
ALEX: A Knowledge-Based Architectural Design System (1985)
Airspace Tokyo (2006)
Agents Of Risk: Embedding Resistance In Architectural Production (2004)
Agent Models of 3D Virtual Worlds (2002)
Agent Generated Architecture (1997)
AGENCY GP: Genetic Programming for Architectural Design (2000)
Affective Computing for Generating Virtual Procedural Environments Using Game Technologies (2020)
Aesthetic Interaction A Model for Re-thinking the Design of Place (2006)
Aedas R&D: Global Practices of Computational Design (2009)
Additive Thermoplastic Formwork for Freeform Concrete Columns (2020)
Additive Casting of Mass-Customizable Bricks (2019)
Adaptive Textile Facades Through the Integration of Shape Memory Alloy (2020)
Adaptive Structures: Building for performance and sustainability (2011)
Adaptive Kinetic Architecture: A Portal To Digital Prototyping (2005)
ADAM - Architectural Design Applications Model (1986)
AD Magazine (2020)
Active-Casting (2020)
ACADIA's Past and Future (2006)
ACADIA past 15 years reflections in the mirror are closer than they appear (2006)
ACADIA at 25 (2006)
Acadia '88 (2006)
Abstraction and Representation: Computer Graphics and Architectural Design (1988)
A World of Data: An Animated Construction Information System as a Virtual Hypergraphic Environment (1996)
A Web-based Virtual Lighting Simulator (2002)
A Visualization Model for Computerized Energy Evaluation During the Conceptual Design Stage (ENERGRAPH) (1992)
A Virtual Reconstruction: Isthmia Roman Bath (2001)
A Virtual Reality Tool to Implement City Building Codes on Capitol View Preservation (2000)
A Tablet Based Immersive Architectural Design Tool (2006)
A Representation Language for a Prototype CAD Tool for Intelligent Rooms (2005)
A Prototype Voice Operated Computer Aided Design Workstation Intended for High Productivity Commercial & Educational Use (1985)
A Proposal for Alternative Methodologies in Teaching Digital Design (1998)
A Possible Palladian Villa (1991)
A Plane of Thrones (2019)
A Parametric Strategy for Freeform Glass Structures Using Quadrilateral Planar Facets (2002)
A Parametric Approach to the Design of a Tensegrity Vaulted Dome for an Ephemeral Structure for the 2004 Olympics (2003)
A New Parametric Design Tool for Robot Milling (2010)
A New Communication Model for Architecture Using Video and 3D Computer Animated Graphics (1988)
A New Agenda for Computer-Aided Architectural Design (1989)
A Model for Intelligence of Large-scale Self-assembly (2011)
A Macintosh Design Studio (1988)
A Machine Learning Method of Predicting Behavior Vitality Using Open Source Data (2020)
A Knowledge-based Approach to Building Design and Performance Evaluation (1991)
A Hypermedia Model for Supporting Energy Design in Buildings (1994)
A Genetic Algorithm Tool for Design Optimization (1999)
A Fully Integrated Use of Available Media and of Computer Technology for Up-to-date Educational Tools in Architecture (1986)
A Framework For Cooperative Activities Of Computer Design Agents (1995)
A Fractal Studio (1987)
A Critical Analysis of Design Processes and Media: Applications for Computer-Aided Design (1994)
A computer Based System for the Design and Fabrication of Tensegrity Structures (2004)
A Case for Lace (2020)
3D-Scanning and 3D-Printing for Media Experimental Design Work in Architecture (1996)
3D Visualization in Design Education (1994)
3D Graph Convolutional Neural Networks in Architecture Design (2020)
3D City Model Generator: The Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems in CAD (2002)
242 On the Strategic Integration of Sketching And Parametric Modeling in Conceptual Design (2007)
110% Juice (2006)
[Bent] (2019)
(Un) Intended Discoveries Crafting the Design Process (2006)
'Inventioneering Architecture' Building a doubly curved section through Switzerland (2006)
'Flatness' through Camera The Implications of Camera Movement in the Digital Reconstruction of Diamond Museum (2006)