Web4D: Challenges and Practices for Construction Scheduling (2001)
Web Based Consultation for Cambridge University's Building Program (2001)
Visualizing Building Occupancy Pattern on Campus (2001)
Using Evolutionary Methods for Design Case Adaptation (2001)
Towards a Paperless Studio (2001)
The Use of Tools in the Creation of Form: Frank (L. Wright & O. Gehry) (2001)
The Thoroughbred Pegasus Plaza (2001)
The Design Space of Schematic Palladian Plans for Two Villa Topologies (2001)
The Art of Spirolaterals (2001)
Teaching Sensor and Internet Technologies for Responsive Building Designs (2001)
STARS: Shared Transatlantic Augmented Reality System (2001)
Semantic Interpretation of Architectural Drawings (2001)
Self-Sustainability of Effective Team Performance in a Collaborative Design Environment (2001)
Sagrada Familia Rosassa: Global Computeraided Dialogue between Designer and Craftsperson (Overcoming Differences in Age, Time and Distance) (2001)
Reconstructing Palladio's Villas: A computational analysis of Palladio's villa design and construction process (2001)
Physically Based Daylight Simulation and Visualization (2001)
PCIS Revisited: A Visual Database for Design and Construction (2001)
Kafka's Penal Colony (2001)
Integrating Scientific Visualization with Studio Education - Developing Design Options by Applying CFD (2001)
Integrating Architectural Abstractions (2001)
Immersive Modeling Environments (2001)
Geometric Configuration and Graphical Representation of Spherical Tensegrity Networks (2001)
Fuzzy Modeling of Floor Plan Layout (2001)
From CAD to iAD: A survey of Internet application in the AEC industry (2001)
From Aztec Pictograms to Digital Media - The Case of the Aztec Temple Square (2001)
Four Algebraic Structures In Design (2001)
Experiencing an Ancient Assyrian Palace: Methods for a Reconstruction (2001)
Digital Visualization in the Teaching of Cognitive Visualization (2001)
Digital Proceedings: Making CAAD-Knowledge Widely Available (2001)
Digital Fabrication: Manufacturing Architecture in the Information Age (2001)
Destination: Practice - Towards a maintenance contract for the architect's degree (2001)
Depicting Daylighting: Types of Multiple Image Display (2001)
Data for Reflection: Monitoring the Use of Web-Based Design Aids (2001)
Clients, architects, houses and computers: Experiment and reflection on new roles and relationships in design (2001)
Automatic Generation of Layouts of an Utzon Housing System via the Internet (2001)
Augmented Reality Techniques for Design and Revitalisation in Existing Built Environments (2001)
Architecture and the Internet: Designing Places in Cyberspace (2001)
An Interactive Shape Modeling System for Robust Design of Functional 3D Shapes (2001)
Aegis Hyposurface(c): The Bordering of University and Practice (2001)
A Virtual Reconstruction: Isthmia Roman Bath (2001)
A Self-Organizing Neural System for Urban Design (2001)
A Digital Design Coach for Young Designers (2001)
A City Simulator (2001)
Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture (2001)