What has yet to be CAD (1986)
The Terminal Crit (1986)
The Intelligent Pencil: A framework for CAAD in Education (1986)
The Computer in the Design Studio. Ideas and Exercises that Go Beyond Automated Drafting (1986)
The Computability of Design (1986)
Stimulating Creativity by Using Computers (1986)
Nurturing Design Intuition in Energy Software (1986)
Model for an Integrated Design Evaluation System using Knowledge Bases (1986)
Micro-computers and Computer Aided Design Instruction (1986)
Conceptual Design on a Microcomputer (1986)
Case Studies in Architectural CADD Education (1986)
Architectural Space Synthesizer - The last link of a CAAD system (1986)
An Interactive CAD Based System Integrating Visual Analysis & Design (1986)
Alternative Models of Architectural Practice: The Impact of Computers -- 1990 and 2000 (1986)
ADAM - Architectural Design Applications Model (1986)
A Fully Integrated Use of Available Media and of Computer Technology for Up-to-date Educational Tools in Architecture (1986)
ACADIA Workshop '86 Proceedings (1986)