A Visualization Model for Computerized Energy Evaluation During the Conceptual Design Stage (ENERGRAPH) (1992)

article⁄A Visualization Model for Computerized Energy Evaluation During the Conceptual Design Stage (ENERGRAPH) (1992)
abstract⁄Energy performance is a crucial step toward responsible design. Currently there are many tools that can be applied to reach this goal with reasonable accuracy. Often times, however, major flaws are not discovered until the final stage of design when it is too late to change. Not only are existing simulation models complicated to apply at the conceptual design stage, but energy principles and their applications are also abstract and hard to visualize. Because of the lack of suitable tools to visualize energy analysis output, energy conservation concepts fail to be integrated into the building design. For these reasons, designers tend not to apply energy conservation concepts at the early design stage. However, since computer graphics is a new phase of visual communication in design process, the above problems might be solved properly through a computerized graphical interface in the conceptual design stage.The research described in this paper is the result of exploring the concept of using computer graphics to support energy efficient building designs. It focuses on the visualization of building energy through a highly interactive graphical interface in the early design stage.
Year 1992
Authors Huang, Tao-Kuang; Degelman, Larry O.; Larsen, Terry R.
Issue Computer Supported Design in Architecture: Mission, Method, Madness
Pages 195-206
Library link Karen M. Kensek & Douglas Noble, 1992. bib⁄Computer Supported Design in Architecture: Mission, Method, Madness. ACADIA.
Entry filename visualization-model-computerized-energy-evaluation-during