Virtual Tactility: Working to Overcome Perceptual and Conceptual Barriers in the Digital Design Studio (2002)
article⁄Virtual Tactility: Working to Overcome Perceptual and Conceptual Barriers in the Digital Design Studio (2002)
abstract⁄In the digital age, what is the role of tactility in the digital design process as it is taught in schools ofarchitecture today Often, students are never taught to appeal to any sense other than sight,particularly now as digital media is embraced as a valuable design tool. Yet, are there some essentialcharacteristics of architecture and the phenomenology of place making that is being cast aside due tothe nature of the tools being used However true or enigmatic this may be, there is a way of workingand teaching that exists somewhere between the digital and the tactile.This paper postulates a hybrid working environment in the design studio that not only takes advantageof the strengths of various design media, but also focuses on reinterpreting its limits and drawbacks.The ultimate outcome will be a new digital media intermedia pedagogy that can revolutionize the waythat we teach architecture and, moreover, computer ‘aided’ design.