Virtual Reality in the Architectural Design Studio (1994)

article⁄Virtual Reality in the Architectural Design Studio (1994)
in issues⁄
abstract⁄In 1994, students from Montana State University took part in a student exchange at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. The goal of this exchange was to investigate the pedagogical results of using Virtual Reality in the architectural design studio as a tool to create, understand, and describe threedimensional space. At the conclusion of this project, it was discovered that through VR the students were able to understand the spatial qualities of their own designs much more comprehensively than with threedimensional computer models alone. It was also discovered that the understanding of peer students, design, and technical faculty was enhanced as well.
Year 1994
Authors Hill, Pamela; Smeltzer, Geert T.A.
Issue Reconnecting
Pages 229-231
Library link Anton Harfmann & Mike Fraser, 1994. bib⁄Reconnecting. ACADIA.
Entry filename virtual-reality-architectural-design-studio