Virtual Raves in Synthetic LandscapesHybrid Rave Space (2003)

article⁄Virtual Raves in Synthetic LandscapesHybrid Rave Space (2003)
abstract⁄Project Description The typology of public event spaces has transformed substantially over centuries. Ranges of spatial configurations have been developed with numerous instances and adaptations many have occurred in our own century as the information needs of the modern society evolved. Bernard Tschumi denotes these phenomena as architectural urbanism where citygenerators, functions, and programs combine and intersect in spaces of endless cross programming. Today, derelict industrial spaces terrain vagues have become social places that accommodate public activities. New technologies, particularly those associated with electronic media have radically influenced the program and typology of these eventspaces. Yet, in spite of social, technological, and material changes, the essence of the eventstructure has not changed, it remains a place of interaction.
Year 2003
Authors Luhan, Gregory.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 432
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename virtual-raves-synthetic-landscapeshybrid-rave-space