Using Virtual Reality Aided Design Techniques for Three-dimensional Architectural Sketching (1996)

article⁄Using Virtual Reality Aided Design Techniques for Three-dimensional Architectural Sketching (1996)
abstract⁄With this paper we would like to introduce a system which supports the early phases of the architectural design process. The system consists of two main components the software solution ‘voxDesign’ and the physical environment ‘platform’. Our aims are to formulate, develop, and evaluate an architectural design system through the use of VR virtual reality space. The exploration and development of design intentions is supplemented by a new method of three dimensional sketching. In the second part of this paper we will show how these components were used to train students in architecture and design at our university. Parts of this paper were published to the academic public at ‘Designing Digital Space’. Regenbrecht 1996
keywords⁄virtual realityarchitectural designhuman-computer interfacesdesign techniques1996
Year 1996
Authors Donath, Dirk; Regenbrecht, Holger.
Issue Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy
Pages 199-212
Library link Patricia McIntosh & Filiz Ozel, 1996. bib⁄Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy. ACADIA.
Entry filename using-virtual-reality-aided-design-techniques