The Use of Video-Computer Presentation Techniques to Aid in Communication Between Architect and Client (1990)

article⁄The Use of Video-Computer Presentation Techniques to Aid in Communication Between Architect and Client (1990)
abstract⁄In an attempt to enhance the communication between architect and client, research was conducted in the use of computer modeling and video imaging techniques for the final architectural presentation process. By superimposing the painted building design from the CAD system onto a digitized image of the intended location, a composite image was achieved. These techniques have advantages in creating a realistic composite image of a proposed building design in its intended location within a short period of time. In order to provide more visual clues, a multiple view presentation format using a series of selected views multiple views was used. In addition, the research had further attempted to present the video computer presentation in an animation sequence. The animation presentations were evaluated by comparing them with the multiple view presentations. Manual rendering and single viewpoint displays were also included in the comparisons in order to validate the results. Questionnaires were used to measure the capability of each presentation format to communicate the intended information to the audiences. The experiments were conducted with nonarchitecture subject groups in the local BryanCollege Station area.
Year 1990
Authors Sirikasem, Peerapong; Degelman, Larry O.
Issue From Research to Practice
Pages 205-216
Library link J. Peter Jordan, 1990. bib⁄From Research to Practice. ACADIA.
Entry filename use-video-computer-presentation-techniques-to