Understanding Heat Transfer Performance for Designing Better Facades (2013)

article⁄Understanding Heat Transfer Performance for Designing Better Facades (2013)
abstract⁄This early research focuses on the design of building facades to mediate external and internal thermal conditions. It explores new workflow for accessible feedback into the early design of facade systems. Specifically, this research aims to explore the level of corroboration or the gap between predictions of thermal behavior using digital modeling and simulation, and the empirical measurement of thermal behavior in physical analog models for facade design.
keywords⁄tools and interfaces: facade designheat transferperformance-based designsimulationdata visualization2013
Year 2013
Authors Burry, Jane; Salim, Flora; Williams, Mani; Stig, Anton Nielsen; Pena, Alexander; Sharaidin, Kamil; Burry, Mark.
Issue ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture
Pages 71-78
Library link N/A
Entry filename understanding-heat-transfer-performance-designing-better