Ubiquitous Training of Visual-Spatial Skills: On the Development of Mobile Applications Using Handheld Devices (2007)

article⁄Ubiquitous Training of Visual-Spatial Skills: On the Development of Mobile Applications Using Handheld Devices (2007)
abstract⁄This research project seeks to develop mlearning applications that provide training in visualspatial skills using wireless handheld mobile devices e.g. PDAs and cellular phones. The paper acknowledges the role of visualspatial competence as fundamental in science and most creative endeavors, including its critical role in architectural design. It also recognizes that there is a substantial amount of anecdotal evidence suggesting that undergraduate students in architecture have serious limitations in applying visualspatial skills for design activities. A potential solution to this problem is envisioned through the introduction of extracurricular learning activities that are ubiquitous and learnercentered. The suggested mlearning applications will include a set of instructional modules making use of mediarich representations graphics and animations for conveying the nature of 3D spaces. As a first step toward reaching this development, a prototype was created and used for testing learning strategies. This experiment provided evidence regarding improvements to specific aspects of the students’ visualspatial competency, and it also collected qualitative feedback regarding the students’ level of satisfaction about the learning experience. The paper provides recommendations for a future implementation of the beta version, including the learning strategy, content authoring, publishing, deployment, and criteria for the selection of the most accessible mobile device.
Year 2007
Authors Angulo, Antonieta.
Issue Expanding Bodies: Art Cities Environment
Pages 146-155
Library link Brian Lilley & Philip Beesley, 2007. bib⁄Expanding Bodies: Art - Cities - Environment. Riverside Architectural Press and Tuns Press.
Entry filename ubiquitous-training-visual-spatial-skills