The Tower of Babel a transformation of vladimir tatlin's monument to thethird international as a new headquarters for the united (2003)

article⁄The Tower of Babel a transformation of vladimir tatlin's monument to thethird international as a new headquarters for the united (2003)
abstract⁄This studio, subsidized by a grant from the Havighurst Center for RussianStudies, focused on a collective investigation of a visionary early sovietproject of 191820 by Vladimir Tatlin for a Monument to the ThirdInternational. The twelve students in this studio decided to use Tatlin’sproject as a starting point for a new and greatly expanded headquartersfor the United Nations, to be sited on the Upper Bay of New York Cityas aclimactic intermediate between the Varrazano Narrows bridge, the Statueof Liberty, and the profi le of Lower Manhattan. The political aspirationsmetaphorically embodied in this monument seemed appropriate to thelofty goals of the United Nations.
Year 2003
Authors Sanabria, Sergio; Puranandi, Murali (et al.).
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 427
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename tower-babel-transformation-vladimir-tatlin-s