Time-like Architectures: The Emergence of Post-spatial Parametric Worlds (2002)

article⁄Time-like Architectures: The Emergence of Post-spatial Parametric Worlds (2002)
abstract⁄A new trend is emerging in architecture today dynamic and timelike architectures term derived fromthe language of Theory of Relativity that are capable of moving, flexing and reconfiguring themselvesthrough globally networked control mechanisms are emerging. Such buildings maybe ‘pluggedinto’ the information networks and can be manipulated through remote interaction. Architecture canbe published, literally. At this time there is no one theoretical framework available to address sucharchitectural efforts and the paper is aimed at providing a framework under the rubric of ‘TimelikeArchitectures’. The paper addresses the unprecedented transformation of the spatial and temporalfoundations of architecture by a convergence of two technological developments global realtimeinformation networks and kinetic, pneumatic tectonics. Envisioned and in some cases built by agroup of avantgarde architects, timelike architectures are poised to become a norm in a nottoo distant future. The paper will identify, define and outline few timelike works. The paper willalso outline the historical, theoretical and ethical relationships between postspatial authors term,postmodern and modern architectures using Charles Jencks’ structuralist classification,Evolutionary Tree.
Year 2002
Authors Senagala, Mahesh.
Issue Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual
Pages 69-76
Library link George Proctor, 2002. bib⁄Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual. ACADIA.
Entry filename time-like-architectures