Tectonic Tessellations: A Digital Approach to Ceramic Structural Surfaces (2012)

article⁄Tectonic Tessellations: A Digital Approach to Ceramic Structural Surfaces (2012)
abstract⁄From the beginning of digital revolution, structural surfaces drew significant attention as a realm that interweaves formal explorations, formfinding and structural optimization. However, after successful experimentation in the virtual domain, it became evident that some of the main challenges lay on how to translate these structural forms into architectural assemblies at the scale of buildings. The development of digital fabrication is crucial in this task, as means to overcome traditional constraints such as need for modular pieces, scaffolding and optimal assembly sequences.This research focuses on digital workflows that combine form finding with robotic fabrication, surface tessellation and panelization. In the past years, the use of digital tools to assemble identical modules into complex formations has achieved significant results for loadbearing walls. Expanding this line of research, the proposed fabrication system carries these experiments on additive fabrication into the production of structural surfaces. The assembly sequence involves a twostep fabrication offsite panel manufacturing and onsite assembly. The main components of the system consist of two triangular ceramic pieces that provide structural resistance, refined surface finish, and formwork for thin reinforcedconcrete layer. Panelization strategies reduce the requirements onsite work and formwork.The paper describes background research, concept, construction process, methodology, results and conclusions.
keywords⁄digital fabricationcomplex geometryreinforced ceramicstructural surfacesreduced formwork2012
Year 2012
Authors Imbern, Matias; Raspall, Felix; Su, Qi.
Issue ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies
Pages 315-321
Library link N/A
Entry filename tectonic-tessellations