The Teaching of Computer Assisted Sustainable Architectural Design (1988)

article⁄The Teaching of Computer Assisted Sustainable Architectural Design (1988)
abstract⁄Sustainable architecture is hightech, energy and resource conserving architecture that sustains and increases the human and natural carrying capacity of the host environment. This paper presents a computer assisted design process to teach sustainable architectural design.The energy performance of a base case building in each of four climates and cultures is presented. The climates are Phoenix hotdry, Minneapolis colddry, Boston coldhumid, and New Orleans hot humid. Keeping the host climate, site, building size and function constant but varying materials, shape and design concepts, each base case is iterated through a series of computer assisted redesigns to transform each base case building into an architecture representative of its regional climate and culture.Traditional technologies and concepts produce traditional regional architecture. New technologies and concepts produce forms expressive of an emerging hightech, hightouch, low energy society.The paper presents computer generated work by the author and his students. It also presents an interim evaluation of the successes and difficulties of conducting a ‘paper free’ design studio.
Year 1988
Authors Reed, Raymond D.
Issue Computing in Design Education
Pages 111-122
Library link Pamela J. Bancroft, 1988. bib⁄Computing In Design Education. ACADIA.
Entry filename teaching-computer-assisted-sustainable-architectural-design