Study Drawings in Architectural Design: Applications for CAD Systems (1987)

article⁄Study Drawings in Architectural Design: Applications for CAD Systems (1987)
abstract⁄To guide their future development, research and teaching in computeraided design must look beyond the technical capabilities of computer systems to establish a theoretical foundation based on known processes in design. This paper suggests that such a theoretical foundation can be derived by analyzing architectural study drawings defined as the rough drawings that architects make in the exploratory stages of design to determine their epistemelogical properties. The analysis brings forward concepts from a number of disciplines related to the structure of human knowledge to identify five properties of study drawings. Based on these properties, the paper proposes strategies for application to the next generation of research and teaching in CAD systems.
Year 1987
Authors Herbert, Daniel M.
Issue Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum
Pages 157-168
Library link Barbara-Jo Novitski, 1987. bib⁄Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum. ACADIA.
Entry filename study-drawings-architectural-design