Student Initiated Computer Explorations in the Design Studio (1994)

article⁄Student Initiated Computer Explorations in the Design Studio (1994)
in issues⁄
abstract⁄Many schools of architecture have been attempting to integrate computer applications into their curriculum. This paper will briefly discuss computeraided design courses that are offered at USC, courses that are similar to those being offered at many universities, and then describe three exceptional cases where the student initiated the use of the computer in a way that was unexpected and different from the methods being taught. A result of conscious deliberation by the student, this experimentation resulted in unexpected discoveries by the instructors of the course. It is this digital serendipity that we wish to explore and discuss. Only occasionally do we hear much about these explorations in formal proceedings and conferences, but they are some of the most intriguing and interesting aspects of computer integration in design.
Year 1994
Authors Kensek, Karen; Noble, Douglas.
Issue Reconnecting
Pages 187-194
Library link Anton Harfmann & Mike Fraser, 1994. bib⁄Reconnecting. ACADIA.
Entry filename student-initiated-computer-explorations-design-studio