Stock Space (2006)

article⁄Stock Space (2006)
abstract⁄Modest in budget and ephemeral in nature, STOCK SPACE was installed, exhibited, and dismantled over a fiveday period at the Toronto National Trade Center as part of an invited exhibition of concept spaces at the 2005 Toronto Interior Design Show. Occupying 450 square feet within an 110,000squarefoot convention center, STOCK SPACE was small, vertical, warm, and quiet, in contrast to the immense horizontality of the mechanically cooled trade floor of nearly 40,000 exhibitors and attendees. STOCK SPACE was an investigation of limits. Material had to fit through doors and on our CNC milling bed. It had to clear staircases, be carried by hand, and be stored compactly within the confines of our fabrication area. STOCK SPACE was an exercise in subtraction. The space was created through the removal of stock material from a conceptually full volume that measured 24’ long x 18’ wide x 12’ tall. High density EPS foam in 4’x 8’ x 16’ modules provided a light and machinable medium capable of recording the vestigial marks of fabrication as well as providing adequate dampening and insulation. The resulting assemblage of stacked modules embodied traits of the orthographic grid associated with the length and width of the stock, the topographic contours associated with the depth of the stock and the isoparametric grooves of the resulting surface. The collective composition of these elements was the analytical result of maximum machining curvature.
Year 2006
Authors Williamson, Shane.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 546-547
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename stock-space