Stigmergic Space (2013)

article⁄Stigmergic Space (2013)
abstract⁄This paper presents a multiagent approach to space planning. Using the algorithm as a primary design tool, it posits to model an active site of programmable collective intelligenceone that is able to inform its own development internally. The mechanisms of selforganization from ants, termites, slime molds and other social organisms are examined and adapted to solve spatial adjacencies amongst elements of a given programmatic brief. Spatial organization becomes the emergent product of a competitive ecology. The task of space planning, one that is typically carried out by a singular highlevel decisionmaker the architect, is approached through the distributed decisionmaking of lowlevel collective intelligence. This approach facilitates the design of a problem with high levels of complexity and competing requirements.
keywords⁄agent-basedcollective intelligenceparametricstigmergycybernetic ecology2013
Year 2013
Authors Meyboom, AnnaLisa; Reeves, David.
Issue ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture
Pages 200-206
Library link N/A
Entry filename stigmergic-space