Spatializing the Social: Computational strategies for integrated design in informal areas in Istanbul (2013)

article⁄Spatializing the Social: Computational strategies for integrated design in informal areas in Istanbul (2013)
abstract⁄This research proposes a set of architectural and urban strategies to deal with the issue of intervention in informal settlements, informed and empowered by the use of computational tools for modelling and simulation. The global aim is to find possible ways to integrate bottomup selfconstruction processes with topdown planning regulations, creating an interface to generate and discuss developments between citizens and planners.
keywords⁄social formsinformal settlementsurban simulationistanbulinteractive planningparticipative urbanism2013
Year 2013
Authors PanahiKazemi, Lila; Rossi, Andrea.
Issue ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture
Pages 439-440
Library link N/A
Entry filename spatializing-social