Space Group Symmetry Generation for Design (2020)

article⁄Space Group Symmetry Generation for Design (2020)
abstract⁄This project proposes to implement space group symmetries as a novel descriptive framework for architectural assemblies. To date there is scant examination within architectural computation of this system used to describe the 230 unique configurations of symmetry elements and operations repeating in three dimensions. This research changes this by developing HORTA, a component library for the application of the space groups within Grasshopper. This ongoing project builds a language of arrangement and connectivity from the unambiguous spatial logic and descriptive efficiency of the space groups. This is particularly useful in defining forms for digital fabrication and autonomous assembly at the scale of a material subunitbroadly defined as ‘bricks.’ However, it is not limited to thisHORTA has potential for application across scales, wherever control of repetition and combination with a minimal instruction set is useful. The result is not a tool for a singular design process or specific formal outcomes, but a new system for describing aggregations that inherently balance novelty and predictability. With HORTA, aggregations can be proposed that are composed of a finite but scalable number of possible subunits. Inherently symmetrical, any increase in complexity is realized as an increase in rotations and frequencies of similar subunits rather than an increase in unique unit variants. HORTA theorizes that this previously underexplored area of computation can open sophistication not just in forms but in the description of aggregations with minimal instruction sets, resulting in new methods for the calculation and fabrication of architecture.
Year 2020
Authors McLemore, Duane.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers
Pages 648-657.
Library link N/A
Entry filename space-group-symmetry-generation-design