SolCAD: 3D Spatial Design Tool Tool to Generate Solar Envelope (2003)

article⁄SolCAD: 3D Spatial Design Tool Tool to Generate Solar Envelope (2003)
abstract⁄In this research the concept of Solar Envelope has been used to develop a 3D Spatial Design Tool tool, SolCAD, for generating an envelope over a given site based on various design parameters. The solar envelope can be imagined as a container, whose boundaries are derived from the sun’s relative motion. Buildings within this container will not overshadow their surroundings during critical periods of solar access for passive and lowenergy architecture. The solar envelope is a spacetime construct. Its spatial limits are defined by the parameters of land parcel size, shape, orientation, topography and latitude. It also depends on the time or the period of the time for which it is designed. Its time limits are defined by the hours of each day and the season for which solar access is provided to the land parcel Knowles 1981. This tool intends to generate an envelope over a site of any shape, size and orientation and for different boundary and height conditions of shadow lines. It is suitable for initial stages of building design process to determine the shape of the building even before the design has been conceptualized.
Year 2003
Authors Juyal, M.; Kensek, Karen; Knowles, R.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 411-419
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename solcad-3d-spatial-design-tool-tool