Social Spatial Genesis: Activity Centered Space Making (2010)

article⁄Social Spatial Genesis: Activity Centered Space Making (2010)
abstract⁄Digital technologies and processes have been used to generate architectural form for over two decades. Recent advances in digital technologies have allowed virtual digital environments to be constructed from physical movement. But can a bridge that connects the physical and virtual realms be developed Can this, currently arbitrary form making be grounded in human activity and subsequently be integrated in to real time, space, and place. This research asks how space generated from the process of digital morphogenesis can be related to meaning beyond just the creation of form. Existing research asks how new form can be discovered, or what material and structural possibilities can be derived from form, through these morphological processes. The aim of this research project is to complete the loop, physicalvirtualphysical, and to connect these digital processes to meaning through human activity. Its aim is to discover the consequences of generated spatial envelopes that are manipulated through digital morphogenesis and related to specific human activity, in the pursuit of possibilities for a digitally generated architecture that is socially engaged. This is not random form finding, wherein architecture tries to imitate biological processes or form, but form finding that is connected to a primary architectural concern, how is the architecture being used by humans.
keywords⁄social digital morphogenesisevent basedmotion capture2010
Year 2010
Authors Crotch, Joanna; Mantho, Robert; Horner, Martyn.
Issue ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture
Pages 117-124
Library link N/A
Entry filename social-spatial-genesis