Social Interaction and Cohesion Tool: A Dynamic Design Approach for Barcelona's Superilles (2015)

article⁄Social Interaction and Cohesion Tool: A Dynamic Design Approach for Barcelona's Superilles (2015)
abstract⁄A glitch is defined as a temporary, transient fault in a system that corrects itself. Glitches are cracks, frictions that create ‘openings’ in a particular system, revealing new meanings of the system itself. As opposed to its typical negative connotation, the glitch finds here a positive meaning and a generative quality. The concept is in fact employed as a research strategy to embed serendipity in the built environment through urban systems, places and experiences that use responsive technologies. When glitches relate to the built environment, people find new connections with places, shifting the relationship from the ordinary towards the unexpected and the unpredictable.
keywords⁄social interactionurban designbig datasimulation + intuitioninteractive architectureopen source in designparametric and evolutionary designdesign computing and cognition2015
Year 2015
Authors Speranza, Philip; Keisler, Ryan; Mai, Jiawei Vincent.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 469-481
Library link N/A
Entry filename social-interaction-cohesion-tool