Smart Nodes: A System for Variable Structural Frames with 3D Metal-Printed Nodes (2014)

article⁄Smart Nodes: A System for Variable Structural Frames with 3D Metal-Printed Nodes (2014)
abstract⁄The SmartNodes research explores the potentials for highlydesigned, customized connection nodes to be used in combination with standardized components in enabling a system of highly differentiated structures. This paper reports on the design workflow and research in progress towards the development of a prototype structure.
keywords⁄3d metal printingframe structuresembedded intelligencedigital manufacturingmass-customizationdigital design workflowworks in progress2014
Year 2014
Authors Crolla, Kristof; Williams, Nicholas.
Issue ACADIA 14: Design Agency
Pages 311-316
Library link N/A
Entry filename smart-nodes-system-variable-structural-frames