Situated Bioclimatic Information Design: a new approach to the processing and visualization of climate data (2010)

article⁄Situated Bioclimatic Information Design: a new approach to the processing and visualization of climate data (2010)
abstract⁄Currently, most approaches to graphic evaluative frameworks GEFs for the earlystage evaluation of bioclimatic design strategies adopt a designtool metaphor, wherein a battery of analytical routines is performed by a software tool based upon a standardized weather file from which a stock set of graphic material is produced. In seeking to evaluate a broad range of climates and to address a wide variety of passive design strategies, existing climate visualization and evaluation tools position themselves far outside of the context of a situated design problem. Remaining agnostic to the particularities of site, program, tectonic system, and material behavior these tools become, by definition, generic. As a consequence, while such designtools can be effective in evaluating particular relationships between environmental resource, demand profile, and builtsystem, they maintain a potential to be rendered ineffective in any outlying cases not specifically anticipated by their authors . Situated Bioclimatic Information Design SBID presents an alternative approach that targets a class of design strategies prominent among these outlying cases those highly responsive to negotiation between the continually fluctuating resources within microclimates and the fluctuating demand profile of the building program. Using a custombuilt weather data parser a number of diagrams and data visualizations have been produced under this approach. These visualizations are not only useful in and of themselves for aligning design strategies to specific contexts, but they also illustrate the foundations of a larger theoretical framework for the processing and visualization of climatic data for effective utilization of bioclimatic flows.
Year 2010
Authors Steinfeld, Kyle; Bhiwapurkar, Pravin; Dyson, Anna; Vollen, Jason.
Issue ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture
Pages 88-96
Library link N/A
Entry filename situated-bioclimatic-information-design