Semantically Rich Building Representation (1997)

article⁄Semantically Rich Building Representation (1997)
abstract⁄At the core of any computational system that can support design development, analysis, andevaluation is a building representation which should be able to represent all the differentcomponents that make up a building, along with the manner in which they come together. Inother words, the representation must be informationally complete and semantically rich. Thepaper discusses these two criteria in detail, and briefly reviews other research efforts aimedat developing building representations for CAAD that attempt to meet them. Our solution tothis problem is then presented. It is aimed primarily at the schematic design phase, therationale for which is also stated. Taking the view that buildings are unique assemblies ofdiscrete, mostly standardized components, our representation is clearly divided into twocomponents the Object Database ODB which stores detailed information about variousbuilding elements, and the Project Database PDB which holds information about how theseelements are assembled to make up a particular building. An ODB may be shared by manybuilding projects, while the PDB must necessarily be unique to each. The data schemas ofboth the PDB and the ODB are described in detail and their computational implementation, tothe extent that it has been completed, is illustrated.
Year 1997
Authors Lachmi, K.; Beatrice, B.; Timerman, A.; Kalay, Yehuda.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 207-227
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename semantically-rich-building-representation