The Self-Assembly Line (2012)

article⁄The Self-Assembly Line (2012)
abstract⁄As disciplines converge and programmablity becomes ubiquitous from the nanoscale to the humanscale, architecture and construction will likely inherit new processes from design tools, materials, fabrication and construction. This paper outlines the key ingredients for selfassembly and computational construction through a recent project, The SelfAssembly line. This project was commissioned for the 2012 TED Conference, described as ‘an installation that builds installations,’ and was built to show autonomous selfassembly at furniturescales. A new intuition is proposed for the construction of largescale structures and gives insight for potentially expanding a designer’s role in selfassembly processes outside of the discipline of architecture. Future applications are outlined for selfassembly and programmable materials at largescale lengths.
keywords⁄self-assemblyprogrammable materials-mattercomputational constructionintelligent building materials2012
Year 2012
Authors Tibbits, Skylar.
Issue ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies
Pages 365-372
Library link N/A
Entry filename self-assembly-line