The SciX Project: Re-Engineering from Paper-based to Free Electronic Publishing (2002)

article⁄The SciX Project: Re-Engineering from Paper-based to Free Electronic Publishing (2002)
abstract⁄In the paperbased world, CAADassociations, such as ACADIA, and scientific publishers aim at gettingthe right people together and for making sure their work gets distributed to their peers. Electronicnetworks, such as the Internet, are providing scientists with the means to pursue those activities on theirown. In this paper we present the goals of an EU project called SciX. The goal of SciX is to analyze thebusiness processes of scientific publishing, to invent new publication models and through a series ofpilots to demonstrate how this should work. In the envisioned scenarios, professional associations suchas ACADIA play an important role. Their members are the potential users of SciX ’s platforms, authorsand readers of the papers. Associations could also become the publishers and archivists of theknowledge created within their respective community. The objectives of this contribution focus oninvolving the ACADIAcommunity in the developments in SciX on fineshaping the goals as well as ondefining the requirements and monitoring the usability of the pilots.
Year 2002
Authors Martens, Bob; Bjork, B.-Ch.; Turk, Ziga.
Issue Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual
Pages 179-185
Library link George Proctor, 2002. bib⁄Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual. ACADIA.
Entry filename scix-project-re-engineering-from-paper