Rule - Based Representation Of Design In Architectural Practice (1997)

article⁄Rule - Based Representation Of Design In Architectural Practice (1997)
abstract⁄It is suggested that expert systems storing the designknowledge of particular offices in terms of stylistic andconstruction practice provide a means to take considerablymore advantage of information technology than currently.The form of the knowledge stored by such expert systemsis a building representation in the form of rules stating howcomponents are placed in threedimensional spacerelative to each other. By describing how Frank LloydWright designed his Usonian houses it is demonstratedthat the proposed approach is very much in the spirit ofdistinguished architectural practice. To illustrate this idea,a system for assembling threedimensional architecturaldetails is presented with particular emphasis on the natureof the rules and the form of the building componentscreated by the rules to assemble typical details. The natureof the rules, which are a threedimensional adaptation ofStiny’s shape grammars, is described. In particular, it isshown how the rules themselves are structured intodifferent classes, what the nature of these classes is andhow specific rules can be obtained from more generalrules. The rules embody a firm’s collective design experience in detailing. As a conclusion, an overview isgiven of architectural practice using rulebased representations.
Year 1997
Authors Seebohm, Thomas; Wallace, William.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 251-264
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename rule-based-representation-design-architectural-practice