The Role of Metaphor in Understanding Computers in Design (1992)

article⁄The Role of Metaphor in Understanding Computers in Design (1992)
abstract⁄The study of metaphor provides valuable insights into the workings of thought and understanding. This chapter addresses the important question of what the study of metaphor has to say about technology, the design process and hence the role of computers in design. The conclusion is that design involves the generation of action within a collaborative environment in which there is the free play of metaphor. A recognition of the close relationship between technology and metaphor provides insights into how to evaluate and develop the effective use of computers in design.
Year 1992
Authors Coyne, Richard.
Issue Computer Supported Design in Architecture: Mission, Method, Madness
Pages 3-11
Library link Karen M. Kensek & Douglas Noble, 1992. bib⁄Computer Supported Design in Architecture: Mission, Method, Madness. ACADIA.
Entry filename role-metaphor-understanding-computers-design