The Rise - Material Behaviour in Generative Design (2013)

article⁄The Rise - Material Behaviour in Generative Design (2013)
abstract⁄The researchbased installation, The Rise, is led by the concept of a growing architecture able to sense and dynamically adapt to its environment as it grows into form while continuously reacting to its own material performance and behavioural constraints. This process is enabled through the careful integration of digital simulation techniques with multihierarchical generative design approaches. Aggregations of variably sized bundles of rattan core multiply, bend, branch and recombine into a distributed assembly that manifests an alternative to traditional structural systems. The hybrid approach links a material system with simulation and the iterative generation of geometry through a process of calibration at different stages of design. The project leverages emerging computational strategies for growth in a model for an architectural practice that engages the complexity and interdependencies that characterise a contemporary design practice.
keywords⁄complex systemsmaterial behavioursimulationgenerative designgrowth patternsenvironmental aware design systems2013
Year 2013
Authors Tamke, Martin; Stasiuk, David; Thomsen, Mette Ramsgaard.
Issue ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture
Pages 379-388
Library link N/A
Entry filename rise-material-behaviour-generative-design