Revitalization of Existing Buildings through Sustainable Non-Destructive Floor Space Relocation (2006)

article⁄Revitalization of Existing Buildings through Sustainable Non-Destructive Floor Space Relocation (2006)
abstract⁄The revitalization of existing buildings is gaining importance. We are facing a development where, in many cases, there is no need to design new buildings because an increasing number of existing buildings are not used anymore. The most ecological procedure to revitalize these buildings would be through a continued usage and by making few or no alterations to the stock. Thus, the modus operandi could be called a ’nondestructive’ approach.From the architect’s point of view, nondestructive redesign of existing buildings is timeconsuming and complex. The methodology we developed to aid architects in solving such tasks is based on exchanging or swapping utilization of specific rooms in order to reach a design solution. With the aid of mathematical rules, which will be executed by the use of a computer, solutions to floor space relocation problems will be generated. Provided that ‘design’ is in principle a combinatorial problem, i.e., a constraintbased search for an overall optimal solution of a problem, an exemplary method will be described to solve such problems.The design of the model developed is related to problems in logistics e.g., the loading in transshipment centers. The model does not alter geometric proportions or locations of rooms, but solely changes their occupancy such that a new usage could be applied to the building. From our point of view, nondestructive models can play an important role in floor space relocation processes. Our examinations demonstrate that new patterns of utilization could be found through the use of this model.
Year 2006
Authors Lomker, Thorsten.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 261-268
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename revitalization-existing-buildings-through-sustainable-non