Return To Roots: Computational Modeling as a Tool For Architecture (2003)

article⁄Return To Roots: Computational Modeling as a Tool For Architecture (2003)
abstract⁄In the early stages of their engagement of computer technology, architects approached the technology as an assistive technology that would enhance the practice of architecture. The scope of the engagement was captured in the phrase ‘computeraided architectural design.’ In the four decades since, the role of computer technology in architecture has gained a marked significance. The scope has now been extended for architects to contemplate ’totally computermediated architectural design.’ The key in the development of digital tools to enhance the practice of architecture has been the facility with which the various tasks involved in the practice of architecture have been represented, enabled or enhanced using computer technology. Tools have always been created for their instrumentality, that is, their ability to assist in performing desired tasks. Given the scope of the engagement of computer technology by architects in the early phases, the assistive nature of tools formed the focus of researchers. The focus on this assistive nature has continued to remain in the minds of researchers who see assistance as the proper role of computer technology in architecture.
Year 2003
Authors Mahalingam, Ganapathy.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 298
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename return-to-roots