Resinance: A (Smart) Material Ecology (2013)

article⁄Resinance: A (Smart) Material Ecology (2013)
abstract⁄What if we had materials that weren’t solid and static like traditional building materials are What if these materials could dynamically change and adapt to varying environmental situations and stimulations and evolve and learn over time What if they were autonomous, selfsufficient and independent but could communicate with each other and exchange information What would this ’living matter’ mean for architecture and the way we perceive the built environment This paper looks briefly at current concepts and investigations in regards to programmable matter that occupy various areas of architectural research. It then goes into detail in describing the most recent smart material installation ‘Resinance’ that was supervised by Manuel Kretzer and Benjamin Dillenburger and realized by the 201213 Master of Advanced Studies class as part of the materiability research at the Chair for CAAD, ETH Zurich in March 2013. The highly speculative sculpture links approaches in generative design, digital fabrication, physicalubiquitous computing, distributed networks, swarm behavior and agentbased communication with bioinspiration and organic simulation in a responsive entity that reacts to user input and adapts its behavior over time.
keywords⁄smart materialsdistributed networksdigital fabricationphysical computingresponsive environment2013
Year 2013
Authors Kretzer, Manuel; In, Jessica; Letkemann, Joel; Jaskiewicz, Tomasz.
Issue ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture
Pages 137-146
Library link N/A
Entry filename resinance-smart-material-ecology