Researching Inhabitant Agency in Interactive Architecture (2016)

article⁄Researching Inhabitant Agency in Interactive Architecture (2016)
abstract⁄The study of Interactive Architecture IA spans over several decades and appears to be gaining increasing momentum in recent years. Yet, inhabitantcentered approaches towards research and design in the field still have a long way ahead to explore. Particularly, we observed that the examination of IA’s social relevance in literature is still incipient and ill supported by evidence. The study discussed in this paper is attempting to remediate this gap by exploring one of the first sociopolitical arguments around the relevance of IA, namely inhabitant empowerment and agency. It investigates whether an inhabitant’s relation and experience with interactive spaces, conceived according to different interaction strategies, increases the participants’ perception of their own agency in the space. In this paper, we briefly explain the prototyping of an interactive spaceplan designed to emulate the behavior of four basic models of interaction. Finally, the paper presents an experimental study set to test inhabitant agency in IA. It concludes that IA has the potential to increase inhabitant agency, but that this is very dependable on the system’s design regarding behavior and interaction.
keywords⁄agencyresponsive environmentsinteractive architecturesensate systems2016
Year 2016
Authors Maia, Sara Costa; Meyboom, AnnaLisa.
Issue ACADIA 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines
Pages 372-381
Library link N/A
Entry filename researching-inhabitant-agency-interactive-architecture