Representing Virtual Places - A Design Model for Metaphorical Design (2000)

article⁄Representing Virtual Places - A Design Model for Metaphorical Design (2000)
abstract⁄The design of virtual places is metaphorical because it relies on references to the physical world. The use of a consistent metaphor provides a sense of place that combines functionality, familiarity, richness and an awareness of the presence of others. In this paper we consider such designs from a representational perspective. We discuss the characteristics and distinctions of a model of metaphorical design representation and propose a framework for the development of the representation of metaphorical design. We illustrate this framework with examples of designs of virtual places.
keywords⁄virtual worldsarchitectural designdesign representationdesign modelmetaphorical design2000
Year 2000
Authors Li, Fei; Maher, Mary Lou.
Issue Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture
Pages 103-111
Library link Mark John Clayton, 2000. bib⁄Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture. ACADIA.
Entry filename representing-virtual-places-design-model-metaphorical