Representing Design Decisions: An Object Oriented Approach (1997)

article⁄Representing Design Decisions: An Object Oriented Approach (1997)
abstract⁄During the course of a design project numerous design decisions are made, usually with little attention paidto documenting them or keeping track of them. Systematic documentation and representation of designdecisions can not only be invaluable in learning from past design experiences, but can also be good tools inteaching architectural design. By using abstraction and analogy to analyze a design precedent, aproblemsubproblem hierarchy can be built where similarities and differences between the precedentproblem and the target problem, goals, constraints and solutions are identified for each level of thehierarchy. Each one of these can be represented as objects in an object oriented programming environment,allowing the construction of a hierarchic structure. This model was incorporated into a computer assistedlearning system called ‘DesignRep’ which was created by using Toolbook Asymetrix Co. object orienteddevelopment environment.
Year 1997
Authors Ozel, Filiz.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 37-49
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename representing-design-decisions